Superhero comics

"With great powers comes great responsibility"
That's the only one that stuck with me. But... it's not like I ever had much power in my life.

I've lately gotten into Fables. It's not a superheroe book though, it's about fairy tale characters living in a secret society in our world. Regarded as the best comic book series out there right now(with I would say the current run of The Spirit as a close second). It sparked enthusiasm in me for reading the classic fairy tales and the beautiful illustrations that accompany many of those fairy tales such as Gustave Dore's illustrations or more recent illustrator's such as K.Y. Craft. So there's one comic book series that inspired reading in me.
Were you inspired by them? If so, what did you learn?

I learned that if I wear tights and a cape, I can leap over tall buildings and run faster than a speeding bullet. Sadly the tights make me look fat so I just go through life being normal.
what did you learn?
-Getting bitten by an animal = bad, getting bitten by a radioactive animal = good.
-No matter the question, clones are never the answer.
-Megalomania, madness, and brilliance are proportionally related in scientists.
-Vigilantism is the most reasonable reaction to personal loss.
-When faced with overwhelming odds, cracking a self-demeaning joke will turn your fortune around.
-Latex and/or tight fabric suits shrink genitalia while enhancing breast size.
-Death is merely a new beginning.
-Males are granted power by money, random chance, or achievement; females are granted power by looks.
-Your best friend will betray you.
I never read comic books as a child. It wasn't that I didn't like them, I just never really was interested in them. It's funny though, my friend as of late got me into "The Goon." Outside of that, I don't find myself reading them.
- good guys are dumbarses and also rarely get laid
- the pimply faced youth in the next flat could actually be a superhero
- his best friend who is not so pimply and a bit cooler is bound to become a bad guy, he will also get laid at some point, preferably by the good guy's girlfriend
- second that with tight latex clothes shrinking the wiener and enhancing the breast size