Suggest me books for Computer Architecture


B3D Yoddha
CS 12: Computer Architecture

This course is aimed at providing architecture and programming related details about parallel processing. This course consist of four blocks covering theory, technology, architecture, and software aspects of parallel and vector computers.

It presents basic principles of parallel processing. These include parallel computer models, scalability analysis, theory of parallelism, data dependencies and program flow mechanisms. This block lays the foundations for the subsequent blocks.

This is devoted to the study of advanced processors, cache and other memory technologies, and pipelining techniques. The topics covered in this block include RISC, CISC, superscalar, superpipelining, and VLIW architectures. Shared memory, cache architecture, and coherence protocols are also discussed. The pipelining is extensively studied for, instruction execution, scalar, superscalar, and vector arithmetic operations.

It provides aspects relating to shared-memory multiprocessors, vector and SIMD supercomputers, and scalable or multithreaded architectures. IEEE Futurebus + standards has also been discussed. Massive parallelism is addressed in message-passing systems as well as in synchronous SIMD computers. Shared virtual memory and multithreaded architectures are the other important topics covered in this block.

It deals with parallel programming models, multiprocessor UNIX, software environments, and compiler development for parallel / vector computers. Both shared variables and message-passing schemes are discussed for inter-processor communications. Languages, compilers, and software tools for program and benchmark development and performance monitoring are also discussed.

References :[1] Advanced Computer Architecture, Kai Hwang, McGraw Hill, International Edition.

[2] Computer Architecture, Michael, J. Flynn, Narosa.

[3] Computer Organisation, HAMACHER, V. Carl et al McGraw Hill, International Edition.

[4] Computer Organisation and Architecture, Designing for Performance, Stallings W, Prentice Hall of India.


I have the book by Kai Hwang, what else would you suggest to me? Thanks.
I would recommend you also read this one

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
by John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, David Goldberg

It one of the best and it is quite popular.

But I must say that my prior knowledge about Comp.Arch. is pretty basic. I read first few pages from Hwang's book and it was heavy stuff. So should I also get something else or is it do-able?
I think it is a good starter (it was for me), but then again your mileage might vary. ;) Anyhow, I recommend it.
Yeah. I have Comp Organization and Design and it's decent - good as either a course text or ref book.