Steam question


beyond noob
How do I change the disk drive where Steam games/files are stored? (gcf files)

It's storing everything under c:\program files\steam\Steam Apps and I'd like to change that.
Hector said:
The only way I found was to install Steam in the place where i wanted it to store the games.

the same thing I did, but you can just copy all the game files to another folder then install steam on the new drive and then paste the game files in the new steam install folder and it will work
Won't Steam only install on drive C? I know a lot of the Red Orchestra people are complaining about Steam will only install to drive C.
Mine is in H. I had problems copying the game contents onto another Steam installation directory. I had to erase everything and download again.
Should be able to just move the whole steam directory to where you want it, delete the .blob file, make a shortcut to steam.exe & run it.
yes, I didn't think about it, but deleting the clientregistry.blob always makes your steam install work ;)
Steam also survives reinstallations of windows.