Sony delays PS3 to 2006, concentrates on PSP !?

chaphack said:

Some EA guy drop hints on next generation consoles.
-GC2 and XBox2 possible release 2005
-PS3 release 2006, due to PSP

Will the delay to concentrate on another risky project, proves too much for Sony?

MS and Nintendo will milk their systems for another year if they can. No one likes a 4 year shelf life..
For those who prefer english...

Crystal ball hazy for game machines

By David Becker
Staff Writer, CNET
May 15, 2003, 10:05 PM PT

LOS ANGELES--A trio of new video game consoles will hit the market sometime this decade, but don't expect any details on the next generation of game machines from this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show.

Game machines typically work in five-year product cycles. With Sony introducing its current PlayStation 2 machine in 2000, that means it'll be at least two more years before a successor is due. And nobody's likely to say "boo" before then, for fear of harming sales of the current generation.

Sony has even started to back off the one bit of information everyone thought they knew about the next PlayStation. Japanese executives have recently made statements indicating the Cell processor--the cutting-edge chip being developed by Sony, IBM and Toshiba--may be too expensive and too late to market for the next PlayStation.

Kaz Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, declined to offer any clarification. "We're working on the Cell, making a big investment on that technology," Hirai said. "But where that chip is ultimately going to end up is up in the air at this point."

Hirai said that while Sony is obviously working on a new console, his priority is to keep the PlayStation 2 going. "We've built the PS2 into a very exciting platform, and we still have a lot of room to grow that business," he said.

Nintendo and Microsoft were equally vague about what their next-generation consoles will look like. The one thing fairly certain--competing consoles will come out before or shortly after any move by Sony, which had a one-year lead over both competitors in the current console cycles.

"We came out later than we would have liked," Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing for Nintendo of America, said of the company's GameCube console. "I don't think it mattered against (Microsoft's) Xbox. But being a year behind Sony gave them such a lead it was always their race."

Jeff Brown, a vice president at leading games publisher Electronic Arts, said Microsoft and Nintendo have to be ready to launch new console in 2005, even though Sony may try to squeeze another year out of the PS2.

"Sony can pretty much call the shots," Brown said. "They may decide to wait until 2006. Their new handheld player is going to draw a lot of attention, and that could breathe a little more life into PS2."

Meanwhile, EA and other publishers keep track of all the clues about what will go into the next round of consoles. "We've got 30 guys working on the next PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo console," Brown said. "None of them have sent us anything yet, but we read all the white papers, keep track of the research. We have to be ready when we've got something to work with."

Looks like EA expects PS3 in 2006...

btw, chaphack, why are you so eager for Sony to fail...ever since I joined this forum, I haven't seen you write one positive post about Sony.
The reason to talk about "delay" is beyond me. I mean, Sony has been pointing at a 2006 release for almost two years now.
I'm not too concerned for Sony launching the PS3 in 2006 over 2005. If the Xbox2 is released in 2005 that would be a great headstart for MS, but it remains to be seen just how much that would do to stop Sony. Even if MS sells 8 million consoles in the first year, I'm sure Sony will come in with the PS3 and outsell it before PS2's 2nd year is up. It will be interesting to see how things are played out, and it will be interesting to see if the geat Sony hype falls flat on its face again or not. I'm not talking about the PS3 itself, I'm talking more of the network that will surround the PS3. I'm sure Sony can pull it off with the help of IBM, but is there really any competition that Sony will be facing with the network system it wishes to build? I know MS and Sony both have grand visions of their game consoles (aka home entertainment hub, not really) connecting to all things entertainment in the home, but has MS come out with a reasonable plan just yet? I know Sony's spoken of it on occasion, but I don't really hear much coming from MS aside from the usual BS that any company puts out. This is a little off topic.

I do believe PS3 will face stiff competition this coming generation, but a release in 2006 might just be what is better for Sony. By that time the PS2 hardware sales will be dying down and it would allow Sony to maximzse profits on the software that will be one of the last generation of PS2 games. Then the PS3 comes and Sony either breaks even with the manufacturing costs or it costs more to make than it does to sell. I can imagine all consoles next generation selling 3 million in North America alone in the first month, but that might just be a pipe dream.
MS and Nintendo are risking a Dreamcast scenario here if they don't play their cards properly... i'm sure the next gen consoles won't fail like Dreamcast did simply because there was more to DC's death than PS2 (see Sega without cash, Sega fucking the marketing up once again etc)...
still, the PS3 hype will be so strong, for once Sony will be able to say *the most powerful console this generation* because it will be released after the others...
we'll have to see how many exclusives Sony can keep since there is gonna be a whole year difference where devs can release something on the competitor's consoles but not on sony's one....
still, the later, the more powerful so it doesnt really worry me...
There's really no sign at all that MS & Nintendo have something ready for 2005. I think a 2006 release for all next consoles is possible after all.

2004 late for PSP and mid 2006 for the next consoles. Sounds good to me.

2005 for MS and Nintendo would mean a 4 years cycle.I guess they would be pretty happy not to have to be forced to shorten the cycle because of a 2005 ps3.
A 2006 ps3 would more be a good news for MS and Nintendo (and their customers) than a bad news for Sony.
There's really no sign at all that MS & Nintendo have something ready for 2005.

Unlike Sony, i say ninteny and ms are not so eager to play the hype cards so soon. Iwata said it de best on PSP and sony, something along the lines of >>> It is typical Sony, releasing vague information so early on<<< :LOL:
I think more than anything else....rising costs with more exotic hardware is going to force the all three to launch consoles as late as possible....this 5 year cycle is going to expand to 6-7 years....good for us gamers! Why complain??
Nintendo has never been one to release hardware info early.

They allow real info to drip in, in the last year before release. Never sooner. They want people to see the real thing, not some SGI mock-up.

The only exception was all the "Project Reality" stuff, but that was mostly talking about how amazing the combination of powerhouse companies was, not so much what the hardware would really be.
Tagrineth said:
Nintendo has never been one to release hardware info early.

They allow real info to drip in, in the last year before release. Never sooner. They want people to see the real thing, not some SGI mock-up.

like the early Zelda demos??
or the *virtual reality* that N64 was supposed to provide? :rolleyes: :LOL:
london-boy said:
like the early Zelda demos??
or the *virtual reality* that N64 was supposed to provide? :rolleyes: :LOL:

Um... learn to quote.

The early Zelda demos... for...?


I said:
The only exception was all the "Project Reality" stuff, but that was mostly talking about how amazing the combination of powerhouse companies was, not so much what the hardware would really be.
Actually a 2005 release for the ps3 would be best... If they announce in 2004 they can cut the ps2 to $99, forcing MS to follow suit...

The sales of other consoles would see a temporary rise, and then fall... While the ps2 would continue to rise. Ms would be selling at a loss to retailers and seeing no benefits...

After that forcing MS to pay for the launch of a next gen console would put further pressure on them... If sony and nintendo took the first two spots on the next console wars that might be enough to force MS out... which would be best for their business.
zidane1strife said:
Actually a 2005 release for the ps3 would be best... If they announce in 2004 they can cut the ps2 to $99, forcing MS to follow suit...

The sales of other consoles will see a temporary rise, and then fall... While the ps2 would continue to rise. Ms would be selling at a loss to retailers and seeing no benefits...

After that forcing MS to pay for the launch of a next gen console would put further pressure on them... If sony and nintendo took the first two spots on the next console wars that might be enough to force MS out... which would be best for their business.

ERM... that was quite harsh don't u think... u're basically wishing MS would die or something... :LOL: i mean i can understand where u coming from, but it's not like MS has only done bad things....
Dude, it's just I'm kinda worried, I've heard MS has $2B+profits per year... If they managed to absorb the videogames market(which they'd do shortly after getting to 1st... you know it...), the continual growth of the videogames market could eventually raise their profits to $10B+ per year....

You know that would be extremely bad for ALL markets, and I would prefer something like that to never take place.

Power has to be divided, and money has to be invested into R&D, not kept in the bank, and used for taking over other markets...
yeah of course, but i don't see that happening anytime soon... especially because Mr Joe Black doesnt want Microsoft in his living room, he wants Playstation... and that aint gonna change in a loooooooooong time...