Sometimes it's fun to read the fine print...

Newegg is having one of their sweepstakes giveaways right now, this time for a 500 USD shopping spree. :p Anyway, decided to look at their terms just to see if they can allow the use of your phone number for unsolicited calls.

By submitting an Entry, you hereby grant Sponsor, its licensees, distributor, agents, representatives and other authorized users, a perpetual, exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable, and transferrable (in whole or in part) license throughout the universe under all copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, moral and privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights you own or control to use, reproduce, transmit, display, exhibit, distribute, index, comment on, modify, create derivative works, perform, and otherwise exploit such Entry, in whole or in part, in all media formats now known or hereafter devised (including on Sponsor sites, on third party websites, on broadcast and cable networks and stations, on broadband and wireless platforms, and on physical media) for any and all purposes including entertainment, news, advertising, promotional, marketing, publicity, trade or commercial purposes, all without further notice to you, with or without attribution, and without the requirement of any permission from or payment to you or to any other person or entity.

Yes that is indeed ONE sentence. :D And beware any alien beings that think you can enter and be exempt from this clause (the bolded part). :D

Gotta love Legalese, eh? And yes, buried in all that is the right for them to do with your address and phone number whatever they wish to do with it without needing to further notify you or ask your permission since by submitting you grant them permission to do so...

And why I never sign up for sweepstakes anymore. :p

Your entry will soon find its way on a billboard on a planet near Proxima Centauri and some asshole alien will laugh at you. Is that worth 500 bux?
My only thought to that is, what exactly would alien laughter (or the equivalent thereof) sound like? :LOL:

Anyway, rolf at that legal disclaimer. It's taking awfully broad liberties for itself while leaving nothing for the contestants. Not sure how watertight such a statement would be in court.
In the US it's mainly used to get around the National Do Not Call list. By signing up for just about any sweepstakes, you're giving that company, its subsidiaries, its partners, and its associates permission to call and solicit you even if you are on the National Do Not Call registry.

I posted this particular one just because I thought it was funny they actually specified that it applies "throughout the universe". :D Damn, you can't sign up and then go and be an ex-patriate in the Gamma Quadrant.
