Someone's an idiot....


WTF, I've been reading numerous posts here on this forum, and out of 4 forums that I frequent (tho two have nothing to do with computers) it seems that the elementary use of name calling here is just ridiculous. Does anyone else notice this? I have to say that I myself have been posting for years on forums, and, while people have said some really dumb/mean things, I've never called someone any name, and I'm probably younger than most here ( 18 ). It feels like kindergarden again, but remember, "no namecalling".
Ok, go back to your business....sorry to rant :?
Oh damn, I thought this was a thread about me. :LOL:

Yeh there is a lack of respect from the members here and yes there is a lot of childish namecalling.
I blame myself, because I'm so immature I tend to rub my maturity or lack of maturity on board members.

Hence, everyone has turned into childish zombies. :LOL:
God, but its just so much fun to name call instead of coming up with a intelligent and reasonable answer. :LOL:

I must have lived in a dream world, because even in the Console Forum, one name-calling episode and the following applies:
1) the post is edited by a mod
2) the thread is locked
3) both

Name-calling is not nearly as bad here as it is everywhere else on the net, i find it hard to find many examples of name callign around here, apart from when political threads go the wrong way... Which is not too often.
I don't think name calling is particularly frequent here either. The use of " :rolleyes: " and sarcasm is quite high though.
The549 said:
I see where this is going - go ahead, say it, I'm ready for ya....

Ok, I will now call you a name. Name! You are Name! There! That should teach you a lesson! :D
It's not just simple 'name calling' but the use of 'ad hominem' that is really annoying - esp when it's a well educated should-know-better forum member!
I just seems pathetic....calling someone an idiot because they don't know something or disagree or wtf.
No dw, see the thing is that you can call me an idiot all you want as a joke, and that's all good, but cmon, when you REALLY are trying to show someone that they're an idiot???