Some new RS3 shots. I have a question.





I want to know what features are there and whats not? I'm just curious.

I also like to note, that the first three shots are from IGNCube. They were taken from video they were shown recently. The fourth is from Lucasarts.
My question would be, why aren't lasers light fast in Star Wars ?

You need to fire in front of a moving target to hit it, with a TRUE laser, you would need to have it in your target, and the laser will instantely (given it's speed) hit it...

That's so... stupid :p
Ingenu said:
My question would be, why aren't lasers light fast in Star Wars ?

You need to fire in front of a moving target to hit it, with a TRUE laser, you would need to have it in your target, and the laser will instantely (given it's speed) hit it...

That's so... stupid :p

Is'nt it the same with all sci-fi stuffs :cry:
Teasy said:
Maybe the ships your shooting at also move at the speed of light? :D

If that was the case then they would not "experience" the passage of time, making them easy target :LOL:
That first pic has some horrible texture filtering... :?

The 3 from the video need some antialiasing, however it looks like that lucasarts one has it.
That first pic has some horrible texture filtering...

The 3 from the video need some antialiasing, however it looks like that lucasarts one has it.

Bad screen grabs most likely.

All screenshots suck unless they are dev shots, most games look way better in motion.
Doesn't the light from the sun take 6 min to get to Earth (or something like that)? So if you half that distance 10x, you could still have a time lag of .35 sec in aiming a laser shot. I dunno, does 9.77 e-4 the distance between Sun and Earth correspond to "typical dogfighting distances in space"?
I played through this game and did not care for it . The graphics were just okay. The gameplay was nothing to get excited about.
How could you play through a game that isn't out yet?

I agree that Rogue Squadron 2 was mediocre.. maybe that's what you're thinking of.

Sequel or not, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about RS3. :)
Nintendo of America people are fun fun fun. The game's demo is pretty good, at least that's the impression I received in a small presentation.
Sonic said:
Nintendo of America people are fun fun fun. The game's demo is pretty good, at least that's the impression I received in a small presentation.
The game was fun. It just wasn't anything great. Now viewtfull joe was a fun game. I have never had so much fun . Also the new ff on the cube is pretty fun .
The graphics were just okay.

If you think Rebel Strike's graphics are simply ok then you mustn't think that any game currently released is better then just ok visually. Unless your talking about visuals in an artistic sense?
Teasy said:
I want to know what features are there and whats not? I'm just curious.

What kind of features do you mean?.. graphical, gameplay?

I meant graphical, if Factor5 could acheive what they have acheived with a third person view. I could only imagine what they could have done with a first-person shooter or a rpg.
It's pretty apparent that they aren't lazers per se, but plasma particle accelerators, for obvious reasons.

..if nothing else it keeps the lazer guns from looking ghey (ie. star trek) :p
Sonic said:
I haven't played the game as I really have nowhere to pick it up yet. Ah well.
There are many things I get to play and or own ahead of time. I'm very lucky to get into alot of beta tests. But this was a rare treat when the company I work for part time sent me to thier confrence and I happened to get a few free games and a free game boy sp , xbox and broad band ps2.