So whats a haggis?

Did you think haggis was an animal?

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It's the stomach of an animal so in your poll, I would vote YES. But I prefer to abstain as the question is open to misinterpretation. ;)
ahh, being a vegetarian, has its benefits. dont have to eat such nasty things. ;) the only people who are weird than people who eat haggis are vegans, now they are nuts.

Being partly of scottish descent I had no illusions as to what 'haggis' is... I came close to eating it once... then I remembered my runin with 'andouillette' which harks to the cuisine of the french side of the family... *gag*
one time I was REALLY (Well over a dozen double vodkas and Red-Bull) I actually indulged in some haggis. It still haunts me. ;)
I've only eaten it once but it seemed quite ok.

I certainly preferred it to "Kokarec" that my wife suggested I eat whilst in Turkey. :)

(Come to think of it, what I really used to hate was the sheep's brains my mum used to occasionally make us eat when we were kids....bleagghhhh. )
Simon F said:
I've only eaten it once but it seemed quite ok.

I certainly preferred it to "Kokarec" that my wife suggested I eat whilst in Turkey. :)

(Come to think of it, what I really used to hate was the sheep's brains my mum used to occasionally make us eat when we were kids....bleagghhhh. )

We have something in common, I tried and enjoyed sheeps brains (the first time eaten in Pakistan). However when I tried it again in adult life it was horrible!! Perhaps because I knew what it actually was then.
I will always know haggis as 'the heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep boiled in its own stomach' - the worst fear of Peter Puppy. ^^