so what Titles would you like to have remade/remixed?

I second that vote for Tie Fighter!!!

I still get all tingly thinking about the Tie Defender and Missile Boat... it's a shame that it won't run on WinXP :(
MrWibble said:
3) Planetfall / Stationfall - I guess you couldn't get away with a text adventure now, but I loved these.

At last somebody who also is old enough to know the great games of Infocom. Yay. :LOL: . 5-7 Years ago sb. wanted to do a remake of Planetfall and other Infocom adventures, but they went bankrupt before finishing anything :cry: :cry: :cry: That was a sad day.
DeathKnight said:
hupfinsgack said:
Surprised nobody mentioned them:


I still have it. Used to play it all the time and still have a bunch of custom tracks that my brother's BBS buddies made.

Here's another one... Excite Bike

Me, too. Though I haven't played in a long time... I think what made the so fun was the simplicity of the tile based editor. I was so easy to create a cool course in 20-30min. Moreover, the race track elements were very versatile, e.g.: jumping over a bridge which ran perpendicular, etc...