so what Titles would you like to have remade/remixed?


admittedly some of us don;t like the idea of rehashes, but I genuinly beleive an updated port/remix (a la RE:REmake) would benefit some all time classic (and improve some mediore ones ;P).

top 5:

1. panzer Dragoon Zwei.
2. Xenogears.
3. System Shock 2 (tone down that bloody weapon break sys tho).
4. Final Fantasy VI.
5. Exile.

come-on fellas take a break from regular forum wars and join in.

EDIT: er...made an edit *brain dying.....*
- Paradroid (C64)
- Elite (multi)
- Zarch (Archimedes)
- Star Glider 2 (Amiga)
- Q-Bert (Arcade)

I would kill to get those as proper updates/remakes!
Barbarian - Psygnosis (Amiga, ST)

Barbarian - Palace (Amiga, ST, C64)

Delta - Thalamus (C64)

The Faery Tale Adventure - MicroIllusions (Amiga)

+ about a million other titles. :)

most of the games i can think of have already been remade of updated in some way.............

maybe one of the earlier FF games with updated *everything*...
Valkyrie Profile: It was an awesome game then....
Star Ocean 3: Fix the goddamned AI
Requiem Avenging Angel: Use HL2 engine
C&C Renegade: Could have been better...

Phantom Crash: Add Xbox Live! playability.
Xenogears: One of my favorite RPGs on the PSX

Total Annihilation
Legion said:
Total Annihilation

I am wondering how do you want it to be re-make on a console ?

For me, as a Silent Hill fan, I would first say a remake of the original "Silent Hill", but the director of it had now been the director of Siren, I don't really know if I want a remake of the first Silent Hill with team Silent.

And then it will be Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2, I would like gorgeous 3D and new and better fighting system.

And for sure the old FF8 and FF7, replace the FMV cut scenes and the game with gorgeous 3D please.
Archon! Of course Wrath Unleashed is coming soon... but not soon enough, damn it!!!! o_O

Overall I'm content with the way things progress in general. 's good to get total redo's from time to time, but I'm more a fan of stylistic advancement. Bring in flavors of the old and attach it new and undone. We'll always have the original forms for EXACT original flavors, eh? Hehe.
FF IV, FF VI, FF VII.. but you guys probably already knew that :)

More than anything I'd love to see a sequel to Rez though, with like 10+ stages..
Surprised nobody mentioned them:
-All infocom adventures (especially Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy): absolutely hillarious
-The Last Ninja (C64)
-Kid Icarus