So what the hell happened to Rare???

Fox5 said:
Starfox Adventures was a great looking game too, I don't think it was ever in question that Rare could still do good graphics. They've always been a bit hit or miss on gameplay though, imo their only truly stand out titles were goldeneye, perfect dark, and conker's bad fur day. Everything else was generally solid, but so were the crash bandicoot games.

Banjo Tooie was a great game too.
Perfect dark was very very far from perfect. Jeez. Just for starters, why were all the voices of the major characters in it english-accented when the game's set in america? Why did the badass aliens look like stupid little cats, and what the HELL was that elvis thing anyway?

Framerate sucked, difficulty curve was wayy off and some of the levels and missions made very little sense.

I'd switch out PD for Banjo-Kazooie in a heartbeat, despite all the ga-hucks the latter title has to offer (and the highly annoying title sequence I might add). The music system that switched mood seamlessly from area to area was sheer genius, too bad it was so damn kiddie though...
Perfect Dark has great AI and graphics for a n64 game.(and the ai is even better than many recent games)
Possibly the most robust multiplayer mode ever seen on a console.
Fun level design. Mostly.
Great AI? I suppose that's why I saw enemies stuck on corners or ledges and running against walls and such? AI was nothing spectacular in my book, and with the CPU the game had to run on, nothing spectacular is to be expected either.

The multiplayer support WAS very solid for a console though, that I will concede, but that of course required a lot of patience either playing against boring bots or gathering real-life friends, something I always had difficulty accomplishing back when the game was new. ;)
Guden Oden said:
Great AI? I suppose that's why I saw enemies stuck on corners or ledges and running against walls and such? AI was nothing spectacular in my book, and with the CPU the game had to run on, nothing spectacular is to be expected either.

Single player AI was stupid.

Multiplayer AI is... O_O

Try playing against a Dark Agent or even a Perfect Agent (you have to unlock those, though)...
Making a good AI player's not difficult. It's making a HUMAN-LIKE player that's hard, and that PD simply does not have.

The AIs range from doddering fools that can't hit sh!t, to aiming with unerring precision. This isn't a sign of good AI; it's *BAD* AI. If they'd made mistakes, been surprise-able, occationally mis-lobbed grenades etc it would have been *actual* AI. Now they're just machines running around on the map shooting at targets.
Goldeneye with 4 players = relatively bad framerate, and with rocket launchers sometimes a system crash. Depending on the weapons and map unplayable.

Perfect Dark with 4 players = BAD framerate (expansion pak = slower framerate, better textures), unplayable at most times, but doesn't ever crash (played it for more then 1000 hours, so it's pretty crash proof 8) )

Porting PD identically to Xbox, with a constant 60fps would be like heaven to me. :)
Evil_Cloud said:
Porting PD identically to Xbox, with a constant 60fps would be like heaven to me. :)

Gosh, u'd think they could add something to it too... I mean, N64 graphics on Xbox (although at 60fps) would be a joke.
Guden Oden said:
Great AI? I suppose that's why I saw enemies stuck on corners or ledges and running against walls and such? AI was nothing spectacular in my book, and with the CPU the game had to run on, nothing spectacular is to be expected either.

The multiplayer support WAS very solid for a console though, that I will concede, but that of course required a lot of patience either playing against boring bots or gathering real-life friends, something I always had difficulty accomplishing back when the game was new. ;)

...and that is one of the reasons why I just *loved* Metal Gear Solid 2. The AI, though very scripted for the most part had IMO a more human side to than possibly any other game I've played so far. I wouldn't call the AI very advanced though, it left far too much to be desired to be really *good* - for me, a really good and advanced AI would be one that really adapts to the player and learns as they make mistakes....
The fact enemies would not pursue you from one save zone to another shows the AI wasn't quite top-notch in MGS2, but it DID still have its moments I guess. :)
london-boy said:
Evil_Cloud said:
Porting PD identically to Xbox, with a constant 60fps would be like heaven to me. :)

Gosh, u'd think they could add something to it too... I mean, N64 graphics on Xbox (although at 60fps) would be a joke.

Just a direct port, some extra for Perfect Dark Zero. :)
I like authentical feelings of games. They COULD polish it a bit of course...
Guden Oden said:
The fact enemies would not pursue you from one save zone to another shows the AI wasn't quite top-notch in MGS2, but it DID still have its moments I guess. :)

Actually that had more to do technical restraints rather than AI scripting. At least the alert mode would not switch and I am pretty sure at some stage, guards would burst through the door from the 'other zone' or from other places in search of you - though that might have been only in the more difficult gameplay modes.

The part that did disappoint me was the simplistic AI which would be like *guard see's shadow* - *guards goes and has a look* - *guard see's snake* - *guard on alert mode and then randomly selects a few possibilities like run away with walky talky or persue snake with gun*. The best thing about this I thought was actually the humour, the "stupidity" if you may call it that - which gave it the human aspect I was talking about before. I think they could have made the AI more dynamic though - like for instance when you were seen in one area, to really raise the security level in that area with more guards and another sentry that hunts you down. MGS2 did do some of that to some extend, though after a while, everything would go back to normal as if nothing ever happened. I mean, it's Snake on board - ALERT ALERT ALERT!

Though, probably with that, the game would maybe have become too hard and challenging. After all, it's a whole ship/platform full of guards against one guy Raiden/Snake?! All in all, I love it for the humour in the AI (like sneaking up on guards, then pointing the gun between their legs - or the guard on top of platform that just has to pee... hehe - not to mention the various lady posters in the lockers and what you can get snake or the guards to do).

Heh, getting a bit off topic here, no offence intended. ;)
Tagrineth said:
Guden Oden said:
Great AI? I suppose that's why I saw enemies stuck on corners or ledges and running against walls and such? AI was nothing spectacular in my book, and with the CPU the game had to run on, nothing spectacular is to be expected either.

Single player AI was stupid.

Multiplayer AI is... O_O

Try playing against a Dark Agent or even a Perfect Agent (you have to unlock those, though)...

Dark and Perfect Agents cheated and were dumb as heck, give them explosives and you'll probably win just based on the suicides they rack up.

And if the single player AI wasn't good, then I at least thought the animations and sounds were better than most it to turok(single player perfect dark ai at least could pretend to act surprise, like the first time you met one on a level they'd walk back with their hands up and be like "what the!" before shooting). Perfect Dark isn't crash proof though, some of the earlier models had some kind of crash bug in either 3 or 4 player mode on one of the levels with pits and I think maybe with grenades and it could lock up.

BTW, even on dreamcast if they ported perfect dark it would be expected to have at least 2-3x the detail at 60 fps, and even that would be sparse.
LisaJoy said:
Li Mu Bai said:
Mendel said:
Starfox adventures was a great game so stop bashing RARE please :)

Haven't tried any of their more recent games though... but i think i will take a look on them someday.

NO it wasn't. It sold on name recognition & visuals alone. A very poor Zelda clone it was.

Cloned everything except the things that made it fun..
after a few hours of SFA, I never want to see another barrel again in my life, just because they made thier name on DKC, doesnt mean barrels need to be weapons in every game.

Amen to that.

I thought Star Fox Adventures was decent at first. A few hours in I realized that it wasn't a bit fun, and so I quit.

While I'm sure some talent left Rare (even at several points in the company's life), your comment sounds a tad fanboyish. After all, new talent could well have joined too you know! :)

Anyway, I quite admire Banjo-Kazooie from a technical standpoint, that's one of the few games I *know* does multitexturing on N64. PD is another by the way.
Tommy said:
Most of the exceptional talent left Rare in recent years.

Nintendo was wise to dump that lemon.

But I think they made a mistake with 'dumping' Rare's IP as well... Titles like Banjo Kazooie, Conker,... could have add to Nintendo's own character franchises.

I guess Nintendo will just have to create new characters from the ground up...
Nintendo can barely create enough games and content to suit their current group of characters, and they really don't need yet another kart racer.