I've watched a few more videos in Nestor's Youtube channel, and what can I say... Let's put it this way. It's the most entertaining channel yet made!
His truly genuine LOVE for the arcade machines shows, and some games are overly difficult, yet he manages to beat them because of that love for those games.
Although as he points out at times, some of them aren't just difficult but unfair in some cases and it can be frustrating to go through then, those make him want to weep.
Being authentic, genuine, and different is what makes his channel so special, and I am a firm believer that if his channel existed in english it would have had million views worldwide, and deservedly so.
It's not just the content, though. It's the attitude of the guy, his kindness, intelligence, his openness on his methods, the eloquent ways in which he explains his ways, very very few people share all those traits.
Anyways... I thought it would be a good idea to pay tribute to him and share a couple of his videos with you fine people.
I mean, especially for those who are curious to know about who is him in real life.
From those interested, at the
44:47 minutes mark in you can see him doing sport. : -D
Below, in the next video (more on that later), you can see him showing the place where he plays and record the videos. And most importantly, the arcade cabinet that he built. :smile: Truly impressive stuff!!!
What impressed me the most is that he built the everything, from the arcade cabinet to the software.
In order to build the frontend, he created a database with Access where he has some panes and windows showing a list of all the arcade games.
If you select a game before launching it, one of the panes automatically shows a video of the game, :smile2: in another window he has very specific info about that game; number of players, company, genre, year, etc etc etc!!
In addition, he can filter the results and search for games in that frontend, and with it you can look for games from certain year, company, and genre, and what have you.
Plus the frontend is also built with games from classic consoles and systems like Amstrad (he used a 3rd party database for the Amstrad and so on) and the like in mind. So he has also classified those games and systems. : -)
As for the arcade cabinet, he built the sticks and buttons based on a hacked SNES controller. He has 4 arcade sticks, two attached to the arcade cabinet, and another two to play when he hangs around with some extra real life friends and they play some of the titles together.
The arcade cabinet has a trackball and spinners and he can choose between either of those using a switch he built for that purpose.
The arcade cabinet runs on Windows XP and uses a dual monitor configuration (for those parties when he ends some of the games using a single credit with more than 2 friends)
In this video you can see the room and the arcade machine he built. He explains everything in great detail but language aside, you can see the result.

-the link should lead you to the moment he shows the arcade cabinet and talks about it in the video-
He even added some extra buttons to the machine, a couple of guns that ceased to be made and are the most precise ever (much more than the Wii's gamepad and without needing an infrared bar) and he even added a ball shooter from a pinball machine (he has Visual Pinball and Future Pinball).
Truly awesome! What struck me the most is the frontend built with Access.