So I got overbilled by 100x


Anyway I bought something for 65 bucks and I checked my credit card to pay it off guess what 6500 charge, wow! That was an eye opener for sure. Hopefully I can get it sorted out before the payment is due b/c I don't have that much spare money lying about.

Has this ever happened to anyone here? I kind of want some compensation man I tell you what it is frustrating. Still waiting to hear back from the company though.
Hopefully I can get it sorted out before the payment is due b/c I don't have that much spare money lying about.

Well there's no way in hell you'd pay that anyway...

Go batshit crazy at them and get it sorted ASAP, even the slightest delay on sorting something like this out can give you one heck of a headache. :mad:
I agree with Digi --go to the cc company, and do it now. Don't wait on the originating company; they've already proved they are either f*ck-ups or con artists.
With the original company that over billed you ya have no leverage, the CC company has OODLES of leverage with 'em and will have it straightened up straight away. :)
Bloody shop assistants... All boobs and no brains!!

Anyway I bought something for 65 bucks

... Next time get your pair of CK underwear from a gay shop, you might even get a few condoms thrown in the bag for free!
kinda silly to post this, but i think we're all taking your original post the same way -- OVERLY LIGHT-HEARTED-SOUNDING! XD don't wait 30 seconds. the CC company will usually help you with something like this 24/7. Call them before that stuff starts accumulating interest, and be polite at first, but if they dispute it at all, don't ASK to be let off the hook. TELL them you're not paying it, under any circumstances. It'll definitely get worked out if you do this. :)
Hmm, I hadn't thought about all the connotations youguys have obviously. LB it was a bike part, but I don't want to give the company a black eye b/c I actually like them in general (not to mention I have no need of condoms since I am married take that anyway you want :LOL:). That is why I did not go screaming to my credit card company about it or post the name of the business. Also I didn't realize the CC company could fix it to be honest. I have stopped payment before on some scammer sorts, but I did not know they could just change the amount billed I thought they could only cancel transactions.

Thanks for the help guys :)
Nah, it was obviously a silly mistake. Some machines require you to input 65.00 as 6500. The point is already there and you have to specify the cents/pennies too. Some machines don't, so $65 would have to be entered as just 65.
So if the shop assistant was used to a machine that requires cents/pence input, but the machine he was using now didn't, he probably entered 6500 thinking that the machine would have the automatic decimal point, when in fact it didn't.

It's a clerical mistake and it would definitely not damage the shop's reputation. Heck, they would be the first to cancel that when the manager looked at their end-of-day accounts...:D
It's a clerical mistake and it would definitely not damage the shop's reputation. Heck, they would be the first to cancel that when the manager looked at their end-of-day accounts...:D

Except they obviously didn't. Tho it could quite likely be a monthly balancing on CC accounts vs receipts they do. Your average bike shop *should* notice a "$6,435 wtf?" pretty clearly. They aren't selling cars or big screen TVs, after all.
Except they obviously didn't. Tho it could quite likely be a monthly balancing on CC accounts vs receipts they do. You're average bike shop *should* notice a "$6,435 wtf?" pretty clearly. They aren't selling cars or big screen TVs, after all.

True, true... But i rather think it was an oversight than a deliberate attempt to make an easy $6435 profit... Besides, didn't Sx say the payment hasn't actually gone out? ...or something...

Is blondness grounds for banning?
Except they obviously didn't. Tho it could quite likely be a monthly balancing on CC accounts vs receipts they do. Your average bike shop *should* notice a "$6,435 wtf?" pretty clearly. They aren't selling cars or big screen TVs, after all.

Well it is all taken care of. I called and left a voicemail, and they called back telling me that the accountant had noticed it and they already credited it back though the credit card website had not yet updated it or something.

Anyway geo sadly with some bicycles prices these days $6k is not unheard of.

The company in question is Maverick American. When you check out the popup on their website. It says $3995 for the special deal because usually their bikes are far more expensive. (And no I don't have one I have a used fork that I bought and needed some parts to fix.)
Also I didn't realize the CC company could fix it to be honest.
The Credit Card is the property of the Bank/Company that gave it to you. They're responsible for any payment problems that may occur, as long as you didn't give your secret number to anyone.

If something goes wrong, call the CC company, tell them that some entity billed you without your agreement, ask for an immediate refund of your account and then give them the details on the problematic company, and leave it at that, now it would be their problem.

Well, at least, that's how it should work in Europe. For the US, I'm not 100% certain of that, that said the in the US too, the CC legal owner is the financial company that emitted it.
Michael Bolton: Ok! Ok! I must have, I must have put a decimal point in the wrong place
or something. Shit. I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail.
Peter: Oh! What is this fairly mundane detail, Michael?!!!!!
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