With strong hints from MS that XB2 is going to lose BC with XB1 I am thinking what effect it would have on the chances of XB2. As I think more I believe that BC is a hughly underrated feature which will have a substantial effect on the sales of next gen consoles. It is even more an imp in a launch and I am tending to believe that it will a mistake for MS to leave it out in XB2.
It would not have mattered much if S/Nin also leave it out but PS3 will be BC w/ PS2/PS1 and Nin haven't said anything (will GC2 be BC w/ GC?). One argument is that those who want to play XB titles already have XB or they can buy it, but who would want to buy an old console, and there are millions of gamers who do not have XB but would not buy a seperate console for it and would have considered if XB2 if it were BC w/ XB and same is true for S/Nin. So S/Nin will have a stick to beat MS, their offering will look much more attractive. And in any case current gen's graphics won't look like crap next gen, it won't be like PS1/PS2 story.
Another factor is cabling etc, these small-small things matter a lot. It will be a lot more convenient if your next console also plays your old games. You don't have to juggle around cables.
It would not have mattered much if S/Nin also leave it out but PS3 will be BC w/ PS2/PS1 and Nin haven't said anything (will GC2 be BC w/ GC?). One argument is that those who want to play XB titles already have XB or they can buy it, but who would want to buy an old console, and there are millions of gamers who do not have XB but would not buy a seperate console for it and would have considered if XB2 if it were BC w/ XB and same is true for S/Nin. So S/Nin will have a stick to beat MS, their offering will look much more attractive. And in any case current gen's graphics won't look like crap next gen, it won't be like PS1/PS2 story.
Another factor is cabling etc, these small-small things matter a lot. It will be a lot more convenient if your next console also plays your old games. You don't have to juggle around cables.