Which oddly enough has saved me some money. My Halo Reach controllers are still going strong, the battery packs however, I've had to replace twice as the battery started to hold less charge.
had to buy new battery packs? Exactly how much less charge did they hold?
The play & charge kit holds 1500mAh batteries that advertise up to 30h of gameplay. Let's be conservative here and with rumble etc. they give you ~20h on a single charge.
According to Panasonic, lithium batteries have a typical degradation to 70% of original capacity after 500 cycles.
70% of 20 hours is still 16 hours which is still a lot. And after 500 cycles with say an average of 16 hours of capacity (again, being conservative here) you should be getting around 500*16 = 8000 hours per battery pack. With the two battery packs you say you replaced, you'd get 16 000 hours of gameplay out of the two battery packs you replaced.
16 000 hours of gameplay means you'd have to be playing more than 7 hours every single day since the Xbox One released 6 years ago. And this is assuming you're replacing your battery packs when they reach 70% capacity which honestly is still a pretty high capacity.
So either a) microsoft's battery pack is made with incredibly shitty battery quality, b) they're blatantly lying on how long the battery lasts and it's only like 3 hours or c) you really need to spend time on something other than playing games on that gamepad which is probably made of titanium alloys to widtstand >16k hours of wear through their moving parts.
The same goes for
all the people (which I strangely only ever hear of in this forum and from Xbox owners to be honest) who complain their DS4s get useless because their batteries lose all their capacity and they need to replace their gamepad and
spend lots of money on it.
Honestly, simple math says those people should worry a lot more about finding occupations other than draining their gamepads' batteries well before worrying about the money they need to spend on gamepads.
some of my friends went through multiple PS4 controllers because Sony did a crappy job with soldering on the micro-USB port. Eventually their controllers would just either stop charging or just constantly lose USB connection with their PS4s because that micro-USB port would become loose and unsoldered after either plugging in and unplugging the cable so many times or just by leaving the cable connected (I guess the wiggling of the controller during play was enough to ruin it).
I have 4x DS4 controllers. I also have 3 friends with 2x DS4 controllers and another 2 friends with 4x DS4 controllers.
Out of a total of 18 DS4 total, one of them went through RMA because the rubber in the analog sticks started to come out.
That's the grand total of issues for which I have anecdotal evidence on DS4 controllers. Zero issues with mine.
And according to your claims, at least 2 friends of yours have replaced at least 2 DS4 controllers, making it a minimum of 4x DS4 controllers that were defective.
Either you know a ton of people with PS4 and DS4 controllers, or your use of plural here seems be somewhat strange to me.
That or maybe the DS4 controllers being sold in the US are just made of a much lower quality than those being sold in Europe.