Sarah Connor Chronicles

I caught a preview of the first episode pilot. It has plenty of action.

I don't have too high of hopes for it, as Network execs tend to be morons and it may carry the Joss Whedon curse by proxy...
I remember a friend of mine yapping on about this many months ago... And then everything went silent so I just assumed it was yet another show that'd been cancelled. Now this mentioning of it coming out now has me a little confused. Different debut times for different countries? :???:

*edit* Nice sig BRiT, you bastard :p
A studio work-print of the pilot found its way onto the internet... That might explain for the initial talk only to be followed up by silence.
wow, I don't know anything about this series but I hope it's faithful and she's as depressive and on the brink of killing frenzy as the original.
Pretty sure what I remember seeing my friend watching was probably that pre-air. I recall a teacher who I think was a Terminator?) who went a little nuts and tried to kill someone before being damaged himself... Or something. I just took one look and walked away.
So....anybody watch it?

The first night/hour was infinitely better than the second night/hour. I was cringing a bit when it was the "stupid/careless john" advancing the plot, rather than more subtle (or even things left to 'chance').

Also, the headless cyborg was, um....weak.
So....anybody watch it?

The first night/hour was infinitely better than the second night/hour. I was cringing a bit when it was the "stupid/careless john" advancing the plot, rather than more subtle (or even things left to 'chance').

Also, the headless cyborg was, um....weak.

I found it amusing. I wonder what will fill the slot next month.

I was waiting for John to take out a full page ad to let everyone know he was around, and he damn near did, perhaps that will be in the next episode. I'm not sure why they had to make him a complete moron or how that's supposed to help the plot.

I was hoping the headless cyborg would keep the human head that he stuck on, it would have added some comic relief.
I enjoyed it, but mostly because I watched it in HD so it looked gorgeous. The story itself and the characters are somewhat lacking.
I thought that in the 2nd one the writers missed an opportunity though.
The guy should have hit the terminator in the helmet and had the helmet roll off along the floor instead of raising the visor. It would have been a better idea. And yeah John was retarded.
Yeah, I agree.
The meaty head was just silly.

Actually, the whole premise was silly. Prior canon has terminators going kaput when they get blown apart.

I thought the head would have been used by 'the next guy' who created Skynet
I thought it was ok. I'm still waiting for the second and third episodes before giving judgement.

Hell, it's a lot better than Flash Gordon and that's up to episode 17 now.

Yeah, I agree.
The meaty head was just silly.

Actually, the whole premise was silly. Prior canon has terminators going kaput when they get blown apart.

I thought the head would have been used by 'the next guy' who created Skynet

I thought you were correct Russ, that it would be like that. Still I wasn't necessarily upset by it b/c I thought
the his head only was cut clean off and everything else was A-ok still
but I wasn't necessarily paying perfect attention and could have been wrong.
Well, I'm really quite fascinated by their recasting of the chars and making a sort of TV version of T2 in a way. It's cool how the new actors are trying to sound and act a bit like the movie actors. But I do think John is way too whiny and un-accepting of his situation. He was a lot smarter and tougher when he was ~12 yrs old apparently, lol.

Terminators need to have flesh on them to go through the time machine. That was explained in the movies and in part 1 of this show. So, that the head made it through the time travel was rather wrong. The humans and terminator lost clothing, but big metal skull made it through...... huh. :)

Oh, and I find it interesting how they've sort of deleted T3 from existence in a way. The movie wasn't all that great IMO, but I was looking forward to the seemingly inevitable future war movie. I guess that's probably out of the question now though.