Its common sense that when you feel enough is enough, you should stop, however its common sense also that water is good for your body and I don't think 95% of the human population even knows you can die to this! Including me, I was shocked to see this and looked it up, I'll be careful with my water consumption from now on. Both sides have excellent points but lets face it, if you have no education of the matter you will think "I'm full, I don't think I can take this anymore but I have to force myself for the sake of my kids. I will feel sick for awhile no doubt though.." I don't think it even crossed her mind this could be fatal.
The planners of this contest should be sued, or fined at the least. When you are planning a contest like this, you should seriously look up the health hazards before you go trough with it, for crying out loud!
Now 3 kids are without theyr mother, and rest of her family is surely missing her. Single doctor could have saved her life. They should have had some expert there who would ask from the contestants how they are feeling between the drinks, if any of the symptoms arise take them to medical treatment. I am certain if there would have been some expert there explaining the health hazards in front of the contestants, no one would have lied if they are feeling good or not. No machine is worth dying for.
The planners of this contest should be sued, or fined at the least. When you are planning a contest like this, you should seriously look up the health hazards before you go trough with it, for crying out loud!
Now 3 kids are without theyr mother, and rest of her family is surely missing her. Single doctor could have saved her life. They should have had some expert there who would ask from the contestants how they are feeling between the drinks, if any of the symptoms arise take them to medical treatment. I am certain if there would have been some expert there explaining the health hazards in front of the contestants, no one would have lied if they are feeling good or not. No machine is worth dying for.