Remember the "New dog(s)" discussion?


Well, my parents' Dob just managed to bite my mother today for no reason. Nothing serious, but he DID bite the hand that feeds him. This is the end, if my stepfather doesn't agree to get rid of him right away I'll be on my way to end this once and for all tomorrow. Fucking stupid bastard! I just warned him last week something like this is bound to happen sooner or later o_O o_O o_O
Speaking of new dogs, I'm in a horrible puppy craze and am indiscriminately posting pictures of 'em for a while. :oops:

LOL...i should post pics of my Rotweiler....he sleep in my mom's bed.....thats one funny picture, bastard has 60 kg (120+ pounds).....

but we got him when he was like 2 weeks old and house was always full of people coming and going (mine and sis's friends) so he acctually never even barked at human.... biggest problem my friends have when they come to my house is him jumping around them and licking them and trying to get them to pat him as much as possible....

pretty unusual Rottweiler, but it cool.....
RussSchultz said:
I'm sure the dog had a reason. You just might not know what it was.

She did nothing. It's the same case as when he bit me about a year ago. I was just sitting there, watching tv and suddenly I felt teeth tearing the skin on my arm.

And it's not like I care if he had a reason, it's just a stupid dog. And now, it's definitely a dead dog. It's about my mother, for god's sake!
_xxx_ said:
RussSchultz said:
I'm sure the dog had a reason. You just might not know what it was.

She did nothing. It's the same case as when he bit me about a year ago. I was just sitting there, watching tv and suddenly I felt teeth tearing the skin on my arm.

And it's not like I care if he had a reason, it's just a stupid dog. And now, it's definitely a dead dog. It's about my mother, for god's sake!

thats bad....if he bit more then once without reason....dunno man, its prolly not the happiest thing to do, but it has to be done....
All is well that ends well...the dog will be on his way to his new owner sometime next week. He was warned about his character, but he seems to be quite experienced with such dogs, being a head of local Dob club etc.
yeah, no tolerance when someone / thing goes after your mother / sister / daughter
I've never known a dog of any breed that bit unless it was raised being hit or kicked. This includes Rotweilers, Dobbies, Pitbulls, Labs, Huskies, etc.

Dogs have to be taught violence IMHO.
Mize said:
Dogs have to be taught violence IMHO.

she could have done something to inadvertantly set off it's atack instinct... remember, dogs DO hunt, atack, and kill in the wild; it is in their nature.
Mize said:
I've never known a dog of any breed that bit unless it was raised being hit or kicked. This includes Rotweilers, Dobbies, Pitbulls, Labs, Huskies, etc.

Dogs have to be taught violence IMHO.

This dog is simply a retard, nothing more than that.
_xxx_ said:
This dog is simply a retard, nothing more than that.

no, it's simply a dog. dogs are hunters- they atack and kill things. have you ever seen a cat getting atacked by a pack of dogs? Dog's are vicious, evil creatures when you aren't watching. That's why I hate dogs.
I don't think they're evil, they're just innately feral.

Except my wiener dog. She's innately cunning, particularly when it comes to manipulating our other, not quite the sharpest tool in the shed, dog.
RussSchultz said:
Except my wiener dog. She's innately cunning, particularly when it comes to manipulating our other, not quite the sharpest tool in the shed, dog.

yeah I guess I partly hate dogs because since I was a little kid I've been jealous of the attention that my mom gave her dog. My dad feels the same way about that dog. Luckily, he's just about to kill over. Oh yeah, and he STINKS horribly. He can be breathing with his mouth open in the middle of the room and pretty quickly stink up the entire room. And I remember once I came home and the WHOLE DAMNED HOUSE smelled like dog farts... and I don't mean "you could detect the odor" what I mean is "walking inside was like getting hit in the face with a brick wall." But, I actually did love my dalmation. She was the first pet I ever had. Died about 3 years ago.
Sage: this dog really is a retard, I'm not joking. I had a few dogs myself, but never seen any this, well, retarded in my life.