Red Dead Redemption 2 [PC]

Witcher 3 (with some custom ini/conf), mass effect andromeda, hell even fallout 4 with a custom conf/cfg (I just looked at my screenshot folder just to be sure).

In RDR2, you're face with very good looking "scene", but a blurry road or weak textures just in front of you, it's pretty weird. And if you disable TAA, it's better and really sharp, but you have some nasty visuals bug with some effects.

I can recognize that some effects are very well done, but it's very uneven in my book. But I don't want to start a "graphic" war or anything.

Witcher 3 with the right mods can look gorgeous (not so great as standard imo) but personally I still prefer RDR2. I've not played those other games.

A well modded Assassin's Creed Origins is a close contender for me too.