Realtime 3D Movie & Game Creator


Hi, I want to introduce a 3D sofware:


Awakening is a powerful professional real-time 3D solution.
With it, you can easily create eye-catching interactive 3D presentations, animated 3D web, brief films, games...
Awakening's purpose is some like Flash, but it is native & full 3D.


New members posting the same content in multiple forums (as you've probably noticed, we deleted a second post in another forum), and that content is such as they can be presumed to have a personal professional/financial interest in the success of such product, are liable to find themselves being considered spammers and banned as such with extreme prejudice.

However, we've decided to give you another chance as at least your post would appear to actually be relevant to Beyond3D, and possibly of interest to some of our members. But please don't spam across multiple forums here in the future, or we'll revisit that decision with alacrity.

Now, having said all that. . . .are you a technical resource for this product as well? Can you discuss its features, techniques, technology, etc?
New members posting the same content in multiple forums (as you've probably noticed, we deleted a second post in another forum), and that content is such as they can be presumed to have a personal professional/financial interest in the success of such product, are liable to find themselves being considered spammers and banned as such with extreme prejudice.

However, we've decided to give you another chance
Which huggy-feely pansy came up with that idea? What happened to the iron glove against spamvertisers?


I can see your point G, but I'm betting it's just a more advanced version of a spambot. Now if it had some benchmarking modes, that might be different...
If he comes back at all it will be readily apparent what he is, and that whole "revisit with alacrity" thing can kick in if necessary. :smile:
Sorry for "posting the same content in multiple forums". I just want to show works of our team; and I'm not a bot, thanks. I'm a member of AwingSoft, so you can discuss all about Awakening with me, thanks!