RD580 production hampered by M1575 southbridge supplies?

trinibwoy said:
geo, I think you're confusing two things here - the allegation that a ULi southbridge shortage exists and the assertion that such a shortage has a material impact. Which one exactly do you think Orton is refuting? I pick the latter.

Certainly. If it doesn't have an impact, why do we care? i.e just how serious is this "shortage". Do we really think that customers keep buying NBs, upping their inventory and hurting their cash, if they can't sell the boards to consumers for lack of SBs?

But what I'm really wondering is if Digitimes has seen a real phenomenon and attributed it to the wrong cause. Given NV's previous public statement on continuing to provide to customers the ULi chips, I'm wondering if the fab accident is really the problem.
geo said:
Certainly. If it doesn't have an impact, why do we care? i.e just how serious is this "shortage". Do we really think that customers keep buying NBs, upping their inventory and hurting their cash, if they can't sell the boards to consumers for lack of SBs?

Of course we don't care (you know I don't care ;)) I was simply addressing your earlier conclusion that Orton's statements were refuting the reality of the shortage. And I went on to say that he was simply dismissing it as unimportant - which is what you now seem to be saying.

But what I'm really wondering is if Digitimes has seen a real phenomenon and attributed it to the wrong cause. Given NV's previous public statement on continuing to provide to customers the ULi chips, I'm wondering if the fab accident is really the problem.

Could be.
trinibwoy said:
Of course we don't care (you know I don't care ;)) I was simply addressing your earlier conclusion that Orton's statements were refuting the reality of the shortage. And I went on to say that he was simply dismissing it as unimportant - which is what you now seem to be saying.

Well, we may be having an "angels on the head of a pin" discussion here, so time to go. "Say goodnight, Gracie. . . "
geo said:
Well, we may be having an "angels on the head of a pin" discussion here, so time to go. "Say goodnight, Gracie. . . "

Ouch! I thought I was supposed to be the scornful one :p
Mize said:
I think you're way off on comparing the net margin of a southbridge with the value of a competitor's product delayed. What killed the X1800 more? The cost of chips or the hard launch date?

I would quickly sacrifice a low margin product to delay a competitor's basis for a high margin product by months.

I don't like what nV did here, but I would have done the same probably.

The ULi aquisition is already a sunk cost, the SB research is done and it costs Nvidia nothing but the cost of the fab to make them now. I think you are projecting a mindset on them that is inaccurate. If they were making good money and thought it would continue they would keep selling and producing them.

I think you perceive their actions through a dark glass and it clouds your vision. Of course that is hardly unusual and oftimes a more prudent standpoint to start from.
The only thing Nvidia risks is pissing off the motherboard manufacturers. They may not be too happy bringing a new product to market only to have Nvidia cut off supply of parts.