RAM related problem?


B3D Yoddha
Installed 512 MB DDR400 few days back. My Mobo is Asus A7N266-VM (nForce 1), so now my PC has two memory banks, one 256 MB DDR266 and 512 MB DDR400. My mobo officially supports only DDR266 or below. Since installing this new RAM, my PC has got restarted by itself 2-3 times? What could the problem? RAM? What is the solution?
Some RAM just simply does not play well together. I've never found an easy solution and I've only found one sure fired one: Not using one stick.

Try using only the 512MB stick, see how that goes.
Try running test software like Prime95 or MemTest to see if it's faulty/incompatible RAM. If you're overclocking, RAM always seems to get sensitive before you get to the point of your CPU crapping out.
That's a DDR board with only two DIMM slots so my guess is that it wants matching sticks in both DIMM slots. Usually you can run unmatched sticks by NOT running in DDR, but that's typically done by putting them in different banks (you'd need 4 DIMM slots). If it were me I'd buy another matching 512MB stick and use the two 512 sticks in DDR.
Installed 512 MB DDR400 few days back. My Mobo is Asus A7N266-VM (nForce 1), so now my PC has two memory banks, one 256 MB DDR266 and 512 MB DDR400. My mobo officially supports only DDR266 or below. Since installing this new RAM, my PC has got restarted by itself 2-3 times? What could the problem? RAM? What is the solution?
sometimes the ram needs a different voltage. u can increes the voltage a bit to see. if its 2.5v ram then u can go 2.6 easy.
What Mize obviously means is dual channel and not DDR (double data rate).

Look at the timings the two modules want and then try to set them to something that they both will like (most likely the higher latency setting). The pc3200 module may not enjoy being run so slow so you might get lucky if you overclock the pc2100 module.
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First: Its an NForce 1, it does not do dual channel, so matching sticks is not needed.

Second: Memory always defaults to the slowest sticks speed and timings.

Third: Voltage may help, its hard to say really, its probably worth the try as memory takes voltage like a champ for the most part.

Forth: Good luck!
oh also pull the battery, or just short the jumper for the cmos/bios. start "clean". somtimes the lil things kick it in..
Thanks everyone for reply. Now I am using only DDR400 512 MB stick but the sytem still got restarted (automatically) 2-3 times. And also while playing UT99 online, it just hangs sometimes for 20-30 seconds and when it starts moving again I am forced to reconnect to the server again.

Is faster Memory the problem?
Sorry to sound dumb, Tahir. Which file to download form that link? I mean there are several files to download. Thanks!
I thought nf1 had dc ...

And your thought was correct. nForce 1 definitely has a dual channel memory controller. (IIRC it was called TwinBank or something like that...)
I know it, because I spent some time trying to get my A7N266-C to run stable in dual channel mode, though without success...:)
And your thought was correct. nForce 1 definitely has a dual channel memory controller. (IIRC it was called TwinBank or something like that...)
I know it, because I spent some time trying to get my A7N266-C to run stable in dual channel mode, though without success...:)

Hmm, I guess you are right. A lot of things came with the first Nforce that I didnt think did. Like Soundstorm and dual channel, I didnt think either of those came to being until the Nforce 2. I guess I just thought this way because the first Nforce never took off while NF2 was THE AXP chipset to have once it arrived.