Does the 9700 support these functions (sin, cos) in its vertex and pixel shaders? If so, what are they useful for.
Can anyone explain how the three pixel units (tmu, texture addreess processor, and color processor) of the 9700 work in conjunction or function, as a part of the pipeline. Supposedly the color processor works with 24 bit precision, the address processor at 32, but what about the tmu? If all of those processors are in one pixel shading unit, with 32 and 24 bits per component, how is the complete pixel unit 128bit?
Can anyone explain how the three pixel units (tmu, texture addreess processor, and color processor) of the 9700 work in conjunction or function, as a part of the pipeline. Supposedly the color processor works with 24 bit precision, the address processor at 32, but what about the tmu? If all of those processors are in one pixel shading unit, with 32 and 24 bits per component, how is the complete pixel unit 128bit?