Freak'n Big Panda
I know that this info can be obtained if you read through the various threads on this board but I think it'd be beneficial if we had a thread that highlighted some of the architectural inefficiencies found in R6XX, just to get it all in one place.
As it stands I still don't fully understand why this card is doing poorly compared to the competition so this thread also serves to cement my understanding on the issue.
Anyways from my understanding the main issue with the architecture is the inadequate rate of texture sampling/filtering, which leads to degraded performance in many titles when compared with the competitions offerings (G80 & G92).
The AA resolve issues have also been brought up in various threads on this board (as well as in B3Ds architectural overview). Although my understanding of this issue is limited (if someone can clarify that would be wonderful) it seems the inefficient/broken implementation of hardware resolve is the main issue limiting AA performance on R6XX.
Others have also pointed out that the VLIW architecture implemented in the shader core could lead to inefficiencies if the complier and thread scheduler failed to extract the instruction level parallelism to properly feed the ALUs.
So I'd like to ask for some clarification on these issues as my understanding is still full of gaps. Are the issues outlined here the main factors contributing to the less than stellar performance seen on R600?
As it stands I still don't fully understand why this card is doing poorly compared to the competition so this thread also serves to cement my understanding on the issue.
Anyways from my understanding the main issue with the architecture is the inadequate rate of texture sampling/filtering, which leads to degraded performance in many titles when compared with the competitions offerings (G80 & G92).
The AA resolve issues have also been brought up in various threads on this board (as well as in B3Ds architectural overview). Although my understanding of this issue is limited (if someone can clarify that would be wonderful) it seems the inefficient/broken implementation of hardware resolve is the main issue limiting AA performance on R6XX.
Others have also pointed out that the VLIW architecture implemented in the shader core could lead to inefficiencies if the complier and thread scheduler failed to extract the instruction level parallelism to properly feed the ALUs.
So I'd like to ask for some clarification on these issues as my understanding is still full of gaps. Are the issues outlined here the main factors contributing to the less than stellar performance seen on R600?