R520, June launch ?


As per the current plans, we expect ATI to announce their new GPU(s) in June.
Now, Computex starts on the 31st of May this year and goes on till the 4th of June but as per our understanding, the announcement will be after Computex. However, we won’t be surprised if ATI moves it up by a few days as Computex is one of the biggest tech shows. That about as much information as we’re allowed to reveal on the 520 at this moment.

From: t-break

Found the link on Hardware.fr.
Yeah, I wouldn't quite say there is critical mass behind the predictions of a Computex unveiling yet. . .but enuf of these have shown up at this point that you'd have to at least say that it is the leader in the clubhouse at this point. . .

And Dave has been hinting at later rather than earlier based on comments that ATI gave him at Cebit that they were aiming to shorten the period between announcement and availability, which would also fit with this and still make Orton's promise of a doubling of quarter revenue possible.

I would also hope (and mabye I'm kidding myself) that if they are going with a substantial supply-in-hand before launching, that would mean components, box designs, etc would be disseminating across a lot more individuals (read "opportunities for leaks") pre-announcement, and that we might get some signficant nuggets that way before the formal announcement.
Yeah, I think they changed their original R520 launch plans after the X800 XT PE availability fiasco and are holding off to announce it until they can get a goodly quantity ready to ship out.

I expect some very lucky reviewers will be getting an early board to play with though on the low-low before then.

They will have some soon if they don't already, but they won't launch it until they have a good stock of them and all the production kinks are out methinks.
Anybody have a good estimate of how much espionage there is in this industry? With AMD and Intel their plans are laid bare years in advance but with the two graphics giants everything is hush hush. But it must be nerve wrecking not knowing what the competition is about to bring in the ring.
trinibwoy said:
Anybody have a good estimate of how much espionage there is in this industry? With AMD and Intel their plans are laid bare years in advance but with the two graphics giants everything is hush hush. But it must be nerve wrecking not knowing what the competition is about to bring in the ring.
I bet with all the "partners" they share, they have noproblem on knowing what each other is upto, its the success of there choices in manufacturing, and availability parts at the right time.
Aren't the partners brought into the loop pretty late in the game though? I was thinking that if there were any moles at all they would be at the semiconductor fabs or within the companies themselves.
trinibwoy said:
Anybody have a good estimate of how much espionage there is in this industry? With AMD and Intel their plans are laid bare years in advance but with the two graphics giants everything is hush hush. But it must be nerve wrecking not knowing what the competition is about to bring in the ring.


One could speculate on why such an answer is "as specific as I can be". ;) Possibly he's referring to the variability of CompUSA's inventory. Yeah, that's probably it. 8)
trinibwoy said:
Aren't the partners brought into the loop pretty late in the game though? I was thinking that if there were any moles at all they would be at the semiconductor fabs or within the companies themselves.

If I read the tea-leaves and facial tics correctly last time, that "extreme" pipelines gag came from a document provided to the partners some months in advance on what to expect from R420. If so, that could very well have been aimed at misleading NV, and misleading us was just "collateral damage". :)

When you have partners you have to share some information in advance to make them feel loved and involved, and keep them excited and wanting to remain your partners. . .
geo said:
If I read the tea-leaves and facial tics correctly last time, that "extreme" pipelines gag came from a document provided to the partners some months in advance on what to expect from R420. If so, that could very well have been aimed at misleading NV, and misleading us was just "collateral damage". :)
We weren't entirely "collateral damage", we were ATi's indicator that their propaganda had worked.

I still ain't believing nothing until it comes out just for that reason. :oops:
digitalwanderer said:
geo said:
If I read the tea-leaves and facial tics correctly last time, that "extreme" pipelines gag came from a document provided to the partners some months in advance on what to expect from R420. If so, that could very well have been aimed at misleading NV, and misleading us was just "collateral damage". :)
We weren't entirely "collateral damage", we were ATi's indicator that their propaganda had worked.

I still ain't believing nothing until it comes out just for that reason. :oops:

Maybe, just maybe, all this 24/32 stuff is to produce this reaction:

...I think you’ll see the industry move up a little bit in performance. But I don’t think you’ll see any radical changes in architecture. I doubt you’ll see any radical changes in architecture even in the fall. When we came out with GeForce 6, we tend to create a revolutionary architecture about every actually two years.


Now, ATI justified their "extreme" pipes foofarall last time by pointing out that the 16 real pipes of R420 performed at the same level as their promised "8 extreme pipes" so they really hadn't lied to their partners at the level where it really mattered.

If one wanted to map that over what we are hearing now, maybe it means that a 16 pipe R520 performs at a level similar to what you'd expect a 24-pipe R420 to perform at.

Highly speculative, natch.