R420 = R300


Let me just say one thing before I get started: Reading this forum is as fun as can be. I never thought it would feel so good to have my girlfriend call me a full fledged, bonified GEEK! Don't get me wrong, I don't have 10% of the knowledge that about 75% of you guys have in here, heck half the time I find myself using words that you guys post, but don't even know what they mean, except the fact that they all translate into two simple words: MORE POWER!!!

Just like most of you I am pretty excited about the up coming graphic card releases in a few short days. I personally want the fastest technology no matter what and am willing to pay the price to get it. Hell I think I spend three to four thousand dollars a year on personal computer peripherals alone

While all this excitement is going on I am beginning to get a little worried. :? Here is my Delima:
My primary use for my PC is as an HTPC that does a heavy dose of gaming and did I mention that I love toys and options.

Because of this I am relegated to Go ATI no matter what Nvidia releases our how powerful it is. Even sadder is that I have heard about the new multimedia features of NV40 and I am drooling. What's the problem you say? Well, Nvidia will not integrate a tuner directly onto a card and they will not have an HDTV tuner product in their line up, at least not one that I have heard of.

Simple, Buy a third party HDTV tuner add in card you say. I could do that, But I do not trust any of the third party companies Manufacturing them. Most of them are here today, maybe gone tomorrow and problems with products are generally not resolved in a timely manner. I am not saying that those solutions are bad, simply that if ATI or Nvidia releases an HDTV tuner than you expect timely driver releases and updates to their Multimedia software on a regular basis, even if the product is not perfect.

Enough about the HTPC stuff lets get into the reason why I posted this information in this forum and not the AVS forum. This is why I am concerned about being relegated to ATI this time around.

ATI could have crushed nvidia when it comes to getting it's product to the market first this time around, but they backed off considering the success it enjoyed in getting to the market first last time around, I can't help feeling that they are scared of the NV40.
-Yes I have heard the theories about not stepping on their partners two when it comes to diminishing the their ability to get rid of hardware they have in stock, but for some reason I don't by that

While it was not by intent, I personally feel that ATI does not have anything to offer this time around except for raw power (which is not bad, but it's not exciting) The canceling of the original r400 may do them in this time around. Meaning that because of design decisions, they had to take a chip that should have really been called R39x and release it as the r4xx. Basically they missed a generation and I think they will pay for it with the market share they earned with the r300. In addition, I feel that because of this they are forced to play all of the cards up front, Don't be surprised if we see R500 really, really early.

If I remember correctly, before the release of the r300, ATI was quietly Cocky, not completely Silent. So far this time around, there has been nothing said about r400, no cocky remarks except for one or two of them really early on. After that and still now, nothing has been stated.

I information that was leaked into the press accidentally and was first reported by Anand has me feeling disturbed. Ati never denied that the information that was reported in the notes as being false, but as expected, they responded to it, by stating that it was taken out of context. I was so hoping that they would have stated that no such notes exist and it was all fabricated by Nvidia, but that never came.

X800 XT
The early release of this card scares me to death and indicates that standard 420 performance will pale compared to it's NV40 counter part.

Based on all of the above information and high memory clock speeds I am beginning to feel that the r420 may not be a very efficient chip and indeed have a hard time cracking 10000 3dMark 2003 Points. I am not a video card expert so I do not know how NVIDIA attained their scores (some of you say it is in the game one test, where the nv40 actually acts like a true 16 pipeline card), but from what I have seen in the past from cpu manufacturers, the higher the clock speed the less efficient the architecture. I am pretty sure that You guys are going to Roast me on that one.

Again, in my opinion, the r420 does not bring much to the table. The reason that R420 does not support PS 3.0 is because it's still an R300. While NVIDIA is tooting new Antilaising, hardware encoders, decoders, overall image quality. ATI can only say that we are faster than before :(
(I was hoping to get some goodies for my Home Theater Fix) The Bottom line is that I do not feel that ATI should have called this Chip an R4XX, doing this leads us to believe that it is new architecture when in fact it isn't. Unless something changes, I am beginning to feel cheated. Maybe I will feel better when I see their spec sheet. I don't think that this card will perform much better than an r300 in most games unless they are extremely shader dependent.

Don't get me wrong I think that the card will be competitive, in fact because of the HDTV wonder option that will Come with the All In Wonder x800 I am going to buy this card regardless of it's performance unless it is completely unacceptable. I have purchased the last three generations of All in Wonders and this outlook will probably not change unless Nvidia begins to offer an HDTV tuner option

In another forum, When r300 was released I praised it and spoke my mind about my dissatisfaction with the NV30, and was happy with my purchase. This time around I feel that the roles will change. But in the back of my head I hope is doesn't. I guess I better brace myself
Well, first off, you are dealing in rumour. Actual facts about R420 are few and far between at the moment, despite what you may read.

As for the talk of an XT version, I'm not sure this represents any change - 9800 XT was 6 months after the PRO becuase it was a different chip, however I think that ATI had always planned to use it as a potential extra SKU from here on in. I'd never expected an R420 based XT to be 6 months later than a PRO version (in fact the rumour from Anand in this case is pretty much what I had expected).
I'd have to agree. It's all merely speculation at this point in time. From the specs I've seen of both boards they seem to be rather equal. In fact the only thing going for the NV40 over the R420 is the PS3.0 support and supposed 16 pipelines. However, we don't know if it does indeed have a 16x1 design. It may have an 8x2, or 8x1 and 8x0 architecture. If the last is true this would account for the supposed high scores in 3dmark03 but would not translate to real world performance. The improved AA/AF and image quality was long overdue at any rate and will probably now be on par with that of ATI's.

The core speed for the R420 is supposed to be around 500 MHz while the NV40's is 450 - 500 MHz as well, just so you know.

I have my suspicions the R420 is just a heavily modified R300, but keep in mind that may very well be the same for the NV40.
ANova said:
In fact the only thing going for the NV40 over the R420 is the PS3.0 support and supposed 16 pipelines.

Er, sounds like a pretty good start to me - Twice the architecture of R3xx. What, exactly, would you suggest as a superior alternative? Assuming all rumours true, NV40 also has a fully programmable 2d video engine. As an all round product NV40, if this is what it turns out to be and lets not get into an argument about that we've only a week or so to go, is stunning, that much should be pretty obvious.
ANova said:
I have my suspicions the R420 is just a heavily modified R300, but keep in mind that may very well be the same for the NV40.

<just kiddin'>...so you mean the NV40 is also just a heavily modified R300... </just kiddin'> :mrgreen:[/b]
Well, Nvidia will not integrate a tuner directly onto a card and they will not have an HDTV tuner product in their line up, at least not one that I have heard of.

Well, can you imagine the support calls:

My tuner is melting!!!!!!!!!!!! What do I do next??????
Heh, it is interesting to see that some geek is actually worried he won't get enough features from the next generation videocard.

That strong is the marketing power of today's IHV-s.

Give me powa' man, keep the fancy words.
I want versatile, powerful, futureproof solutions. Like R300 is.
Actually I think I prefer tv add-in cards to the AIW.

Don't get me wrong, the AIW is a hella card that I love to death...but what happens next year when I wanna upgrade it? I'm going to have to swap a TV card into me wife's pc along with whatever viddy card I put in. (Unless I go with another AIW)

I had my hauppauge winTV card since 96, and it is still in service today and doing excellently, and when you use an ATi TV wonder card with D-scaler it works absolutely BRILLIANTLY in XP! :D (BTW-ATi isn't a fly-by-night company so the tv wonder is a safe buy, and d-scaler is independantly written and should be around a while too)

As for "I'm only getting ATi next round!", hell even I haven't decided that yet and I find the attitude a bit silly. Wait until the cards come out before throwing your undying allegiance behind one or the other, better yet ignore the brand names and just look at what the cards have to offer for the price. 8)
As for the delayed release, if the margins really are going to be low on the R4xx range, as has been suggested, then ATI are hardly going to want to rush it out while they're still making money off their previous generation.

I think this might be another case of the nVidia hype machine working its "magic" :)
Hubert said:
I want versatile, powerful, futureproof solutions. Like R300 is.

Second that. My 9700 Pro was perfect for all the games before Far Cry or Deus Ex 2 - the time has come: I need to upgrade. :LOL:
Up until recently R420 had only eight uber pipes. We really don't know what it will look like and how fast it will be.
rwolf said:
Up until recently R420 had only eight uber pipes. We really don't know what it will look like and how fast it will be.
It will be more than people are currently expecting ;)

R420 is not just a souped up R300.

*Uber* is a Good word.
If even half of what Fudo says regarding power usage is true then the NV40 is not going to be a real card, not without an external power brick. There will be a few out there but not enough to make a real dent in the market.

As to R420, it only makes sense to not play up your next card when you know the margins will be lower than on your current offerings. it's not in ATI's best interests to build excitement for R420 when they're still trying to sell lots of R3xx based cards.

The best solution for ATI is to have R420 ready so it hits the shelves the moment NV40 is officially announced to the masses, and to keep selling R3xx cards right up to that moment.
digitalwanderer said:
As for "I'm only getting ATi next round!", hell even I haven't decided that yet and I find the attitude a bit silly. Wait until the cards come out before throwing your undying allegiance behind one or the other, better yet ignore the brand names and just look at what the cards have to offer for the price. 8)

Who are you and what did you do with Digi!?! @o@/ What is this... XD Digital Wanderer willing to let NVidia's tactics over the past year slide... he's been brainwashed! We've got to help him. :LOL:
OICAspork said:
digitalwanderer said:
As for "I'm only getting ATi next round!", hell even I haven't decided that yet and I find the attitude a bit silly. Wait until the cards come out before throwing your undying allegiance behind one or the other, better yet ignore the brand names and just look at what the cards have to offer for the price. 8)

Who are you and what did you do with Digi!?! @o@/ What is this... XD Digital Wanderer willing to let NVidia's tactics over the past year slide... he's been brainwashed! We've got to help him. :LOL:

Hey, if the nV40 is better I'll say it's better. I always go by the hardware, not the name. :)

We'll see soon, my money is still on the R420. (Almost literally, I'm seriously considering getting about 5K worth of ATi stock...my wife has been bugging me. :rolleyes: )