I was rereading the old Anandtech preview of the Radeon 8500 today and saw that they had benchmarks of Porche Unleashed (I believe) running with multisampling AA on the 8500. They said the benchmarks were very hard to get to complete, but the scores showed the 8500 having a sizable lead over the GF3 in SSAA mode.
edit: Here's a link: http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=1517&p=16
So, what happened to this MSAA on the 8500? Obviously something must have been terribly wrong with it for them not to develop it in the drivers and offer is as a useful feature and marketing bullet. (Though their Smoothvision labeling was deceptive. Many thought the 8500's AA was better somehow, but it was just SSAA in the end.)
edit: Here's a link: http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=1517&p=16
So, what happened to this MSAA on the 8500? Obviously something must have been terribly wrong with it for them not to develop it in the drivers and offer is as a useful feature and marketing bullet. (Though their Smoothvision labeling was deceptive. Many thought the 8500's AA was better somehow, but it was just SSAA in the end.)