Quo Vadis, ATI, Nvidia?



While it may be true that the company with the highest-performance chip is king of the hill, we also heard more than one industry source characterize the current competition as "insane". "You can't compete like that and stay alive. One of those two companies will be driven out of business," one source said. In a prior interview, industry analyst Jon Peddie from Jon Peddie Research mentioned that the graphic card market is large enough for both companies to survive. But neither ATI nor Nvidia wants the other one to survive, he said.

Hmm, world would be boring without Ati or nVidia.
edit: Wasn't Ati's latest financial result excellent? But it's fact , every round competition is more and more insane so who knows...
Tweaker said:
Wasn't Ati's latest financial result excellent? But it's fact , every round competition is more and more insane so who knows...
Yes ATi's financials were looking most excellent last quarter and they're expecting a pretty good quarter upcoming too (but please don't tell anyone I told ya that! ;) ).

I think there IS room for two at the top for a while yet, and I don't think either company is close to going belly-up at the moment....but of the two right now I'd say that nVidia is in the disadvantageous financial position right now.
More on-topic, judging from the paper-launches and poor driver support, I'd say that NVIDIA is having more trouble than ATi at this moment.
Regardless, both companies seem to have outpaced the game industry by a few years, so there's plenty of time to get their act back together before it actually starts to matter any.
Think if ATi was planning to launch the R500 early next year that they MIGHT just pull an nVidia-style 5-6 month paper launch to steal x-mas sales? That's my next big question 'tween the two.... :|
I dont think so much that the companies are trying to kill each rather that the nature of the game is such high stakes that you have to push the boundaries of whats possible and in doing so risk total failure. You have to push 100% or you end up like 3dfx, great pr and crappy out of date products.