Question: Can X360 play WMV-9 Discs?


There have been a few releases to DVD with an extra disc encoded in WMV-9 HD. 'T2 Extreme Edition' is one, and 'Step Into Liquid' was another.

Has anyone tried to play such discs in the 360 with any success? Did MS even include the ability for the X360 to read WMV-9 CODEC? If it can play them, does it scale them down to 480p?

"I just tried putting in disc 2 of my T2 Extreme DVD.

No, it didn't play it."
"Somebody has tried this over at avforums with drm and no drm protection WMV-HD dvd`s and none of them work."

Not really surprising, disappointing, but *shrug*. Maybe a firmware update in the future (possible right?), probably not though.
There isn't actually much WMV-9 content out there is there?
I asssume the question here is: "Does the xbox360 have a built-in WMV-9 player?" And I guess the answer to that is: No.

The next question would be: "Could someone write an app that decodes and plays WMV-9 content?"

I'm assuming the answer to that is yes, provided that someone ported/wrote a decoder for wmv9 (assuming it's not illegal to do so... or perhaps they can license it from MS, but I doubt that is worth the expense) as a media player is, after all, just another application. It just so happens that the xbox OS has a built-in player for certain types, but not others.

I'm sure it would be relatively easy to write such an app on the old Xbox, as it was the same metal as a normal PC. Whether or not it would be easy to write a player for the 360 is a question I'm not qualified to even guess about.