mckmas8808 said:
I too think that its pre rendered. Its just the way it plays out it looks like an intro. But at the same time I think we are under playing what next generation games will look like. When Sony showed the Tekken and GT demo we would have never thought that games would have went from 'those demos' to what they are now. Just look at Splinter Cell, RE4, God of War, and GT4. They surpass those old demos by miles.
We are underestimating next gen games.
Nothing this generation surpassed the prerendered Raven demo showed before the Xbox was launched.
Or any of the obviously shamelessly pre-rendered material showed.
So yes, if these companies push it a little too far with the pre-release CGI, the final games will not surpass them.
The only demos that were surpassed by PS2 were the pre-release realtime demos, which looked like crap since not even Sony knew how the hell to code for the platform. And all the Tekken, GT2000 etc demos were all realtime, and later vastly surpassed by the real games.
I'm not too confident of what was shown prior to Xbox launch, apart from that prerendered Raven demo (the girl fighting with the big robot) and that still hasn't been surpassed, it was just too much.
So, we don't know yet, but there is the possibility that both the graphics from the KZ and this GR3 prerendered scenes will not be replicated by the final hardware, if Sony and MS have pushed it too far with the CGI.
We'll have to wait and see when we have the real machines.