Okay, if we look at the flip side of that argument, R:FoM isn't driving large sales, and it's not a 90% AAA title, right? And Motorstorm isn't driving sales - it's not a AAA title. And Lair and HS were rated quite low, so they're not driving sales. But that reasoning, if it takes 90+% titles to sell consoles, what's selling PS3? Why are any being bought when it hasn't got any 90+% AAA titles? Furthermore PS3 is selling in the same region as XB360. We don't have accurate figures, but it's not like the US where XB360 sells 2:1 PS3. There are even reports of PS3 outselling XB360 here. XB360 has several of 90 MAS AAA titles. Why aren't Europeans buying up XB360's en masse at a lower price to play Halo3 and Bioshock instead? And why are people buying Wii? To play Wii Sports. What did Wii sports get? Is that a 95% AAA title? Nope, it's a 76% MAS at Metacritic. What is making Carl's friend consider getting a PS3? Is it the 93% rated Oblivion AAA title? Or the new 95% COD4 AAA++ title? Or the 75% Eye of Judgement?Yet as we can see by the lackluster PS3 sales, neither is seriously driving adoption of the console, at least in the face of a $500 pricetag.
You don't need high scores to have a game that'll attract owners. You don't need 'Triple AAA', whatever that is. XB360 has shed loads higher scoring games than Wii, but that doesn't stop the Wii selling shed loads more units. The games have to be good and to appeal to a large enough market to be noteworthy, sure. But they don't have to be what game reviews consider top-draw. The games rating system isn't the measure by which all titles market appeal can be gauged, or by which all system-selling titles can be identified.