I Send some questions to the creators of the Terrain Engine (MR. Barry Minor) on compression I saw with the SPE:
->How processing of textures was made (which amount equivalent in used MB in the TRE ?) and which form of applied compression?
->Mr. Barry Minor : Textures are bilinear filtered and provide the base material color for the lighting equations. The textures are stored in an uncompresses 16 bit (5/6/5) format in memory and are converted to single precision floating point via the SPEs before texture filtering. Most of our terrain data sets use several hundred megabytes of texture memory.
I have curiosity to know which processing capacity in SPE for tax compressions in textures (CLUT = 4:1? ) therefore each time more gives to importance the textures ,and more still in the next generation (Unreal Engine 3.0).
( I have some "impression" the use of the SPE can bring taxes of very superior compressions than current techniques - > S3tc/DXTC; 3Dc etc).
This guy posted this here and i knew you guys could makes some sense out of it.