ps2 poor perfomance

Hey, I got PS2 like 6 years ago, recently when I play these specific games: The Godfather, Bully, GTA San Andreas, texture loading is terribly slow, I have to wait like 30 seconds to load and Bully sometimes freezes and asks me to insert PS2 disk, is this the result of scratched disk, by the way Godfather and Bully disks are new and clean, or is it because my PS2 is too old

Thanks in advance.
Replacing a laser is not an easy task. Better bet would be to sell the PS2 to someone as parts or etc via ebay and buy a new one. Sorry, roselegend. You're kind of fucked. :(
Is there any easy way to do it?
Well it is not hard from experience with the fat one. Its easy to open and re adjust the lens. There are tutorials out there. It is a fat PS2 you ve got right?
If you can get your hands on a slim one that would be a lot better
Yup, you just use flat screwdriver to adjust the lens. But it is a very precise job, turn too much and you risk totally damaging the lens.

As for replacing the whole lens assembly, I have not done it so can't really comment how hard it is :(
Ever unlocked the PS2 with somekind of chip?
Chips draw more power from the laser and use it more and the result is a tired laser.
You can try to clean the laser with a especial cleaning disk (it may be dust on the lens). If you are using pirated games try using an original. Pressed DVD games read a lot better then burned ones!
Also , if chipped, try and disable the chip by starting the console by pressing the eject button instead of the power botton. Keep the button pressed for a couple seconds! You will only be able to run original this way but (maybe) with less power drawn on the laser!
In any case it seems you have a worn laser, needing replacement!
PS2 consoles are cheap (30 to 35 euros, top), you may try and buy a new one if you dont know how to replace the laser.
So is laser the problem for sure?
No one can say for sure, but it's the likely culprit. A PS2's processors and RAM won't get slower over age - it'll either work full speed or be dead. However, the optical drive can degenerate over time, hence the suggestion. The problem with the drive might be laser, alignment, or something else. It might be fixable or not. It's one of those things that you either just try to fix, or save the effort and spend on a replacement instead.

I had a PS2 which developed loading faults, fixed by just greasing the laser head rails. At that point it was well past warranty so no harm in opening it up and having a poke to see if I could fix it myself.
Yes, I remember, just greasing is often enough. Next comes adjusting the laser, which you should try half a screwdriver turn at a time only as the needed adjustment is generally small. Finally you can replace the laser, but it is quite likely just greasing the rails does the trick as this is by far the most common failure.