Program to find the limits of your ram.


IS there are program sorta like atitool . That will sit and overclock your ram till the ram becomes unstable.

I ask this because I bought ddr ram that should run fine at true 166mhz . And it does but only at the lowest setting. If i put the cas to 2.5 it becomes unstable .

I'veo nly had this ram 3 days so I still have time to send it back .
memtest86 is the standard stability tester, but there isn't one that auto-overclocks. you sure you have the right voltages?
yea i'm sure. I have no clue whats wrong. MY other stick will hit 200mhz no problem. Its really pissing me off .

To bad someone can't write a program like that .
Yea i've tried it all .

I ram the memtest and I get 120 errors .

I'm going to return it and look for better ram .

any suggestions ?
The Baron said:
Corsair XMS has never done me wrong.

I'll second that... lovely timings and excellent speed... plus usually a decent oc available... I have been able to run my ddr400 @ higher clocks @ cas2 still...

are you sure your memory is rated to run 2 the timings you are selecting for it?
Another positive experience with Corsair XMS as well. My two sticks of XMS-3500 CAS2 512M have never done me any wrong...
You cant go wrong with Corsair, my 2x 512Mb Pc3200 Xms does 215 on 3-2-2-2. :) ( At 2.9V, with 3.4V 225fsb is possible )
I'll just add another "can't go wrong with XMS." I had to replace Mushkin level 1 DDR because of problems, particularly in dual channel mode. The XMS I replaced it with is running solidly. (No overclocking in either case though.)

The motherboard in my case is Asius P4P800 Deluxe. (Intel 865PE based.)
I also own a pair of Corsair's XMS memory modules, and so far it works flawlessly @166MHz 5-2-2-2 8)

it's a pitty they are so darn expensive compared to the "normal" memory modules

we should rename this thread to "corsair xms memory thread" :D
Well. I just picked up some ddr 433 . I can now clock my fsb and memory at 212 mhz :oops: My cpu is at a nice 2.48 ghz . Its to sweet .
The harshest memory/CPU tester I have found is Prime95. I'm surprised no one mentioned it. It can pull up errors (especially from overclocks) that other testers simply miss.

It's especially good and finding problems where your system seems to run okay, but occasionally (usually when stressing it with a game) it locks up or resets.