Problems with DFI nforce 3 lanparty ut ultra-D


got this motherboard and a 3000+ venice a few days ago, built the pc and everthing was working, or so i thought until i started a game and i was watching a frame at a time.

it does this choppy thing in every 3d application going, so i thought it was 3d graphics drivers, so i unistalled, driver cleaned and reinstalled multiple drivers without solving the problem. (its a 6800 nu agp by the way)

so next i thought it was memory as this motherboard is abit too picky for my liking, anyway, gone through multiple different memory pieces and configurations and that hasnt solved my problem.

ive even updated my motherboard bios and apart from some good overclocking options that hasnt done anything either.

i was wondering if anyone here knew what was going on?

full system specs are

that motherboard and processor above
gone through 5 different types on mem (512 and 256mb)
creative audigy 1
realtek 100mb pci ethernet
geforce 6800 nu agp
zalman 400watt silent psu
120gb maxtor sata
250gb maxtor maxline 3 sata

extra: just one thing i just noticed, its got that symbol in the taskbar for safely remove hardware, and when i click on it, it comes up with my harddrives (some motherboard setting ive overlooked perhaps?)
figured it out myself :p, knew it was graphics related - had to turn of fast writes and sideband addressing.

still, the safely remove hardware thing bothers me, anyone know what that is all about?
:cry: forget what i said before, the problem still persists. seems turning them things of only alleviate the problem, they come back after a 3d application have been on a few mins.

least i think i know why that safely remove hardware thing is there, think its there because of that new feature, hot plug sata drive thing.

anyway, wouldnt mind an opinion other than my own on this ;)
My 6800gt has a problem with pauseing with my Nforce3 250 board, and turning off fastwrites helps but still has issues in some games. I dug around the net and found lots of people with the same trouble as me but only those with 16 pipe 6800s so I'm not sure if you have the same issue or not. However, if you do, the 61.77 drivers will solve the problem, anything newer is borked.
well them drivers and unistalling the gart drivers and using microsofts agp ones have slightly fixed the problem, i get little mini-stutters now (and a quite large drop in performance, 10fps in rthdribl) instead of the full scale couple of second ones i was having before. (ive actually had these mini-stutters on my nforce 2 aswell, just wernt as frequent so never paid any attention - others who have similar problem as me, gonna try the rivaturner fix now.

as for temps, there pretty low, in the 50's on my graphics card,

though the cpu temp thing is abit messed up, goes from 33c under load (which i think is the real readout) to 9 or 15 whilst still under load and then jumps back to 33c
Why does it matter if it says you can remove your hard drive? Mine says the same thing on my nforce4, but it performs great.
Sxotty said:
Why does it matter if it says you can remove your hard drive? Mine says the same thing on my nforce4, but it performs great.

just wasnt familiar with that feature as its my first motherboard which supports it, is it not logical to assume that was causing some problems.