my guess on NA:
Tekken Tag 2
Fight Night
Resident Evil 5 or Devil May Cry (i dont think they will release both on the same day)
Ridge Racer 6 (or is it a full exclusive)
Tiger Woods
NBA (live, 2k6...or 2k7?)
Heavenly Sword?
I want to say madden, but it think they will wait for madden 07 for ps3
Armored Core
Sonic the Hedgehog
The next tony hawk?
Killing Day
Hopefully an HD IP Eyetoy game
Stuntman or Driver 5 (i dont think they will release both on the same day)
Then add in about 5-10 small games no one had heard of, and maybe Fantavision 2?
For the japanese market, add about 10-15 games no one has heard of, mostly simulations, majong games, and maybe a rpg or two. alot of games from,
I'm not really sure on the Europe launch.
Of course all this is just one big guess, and a lot depends on when and where the console launches. I dont think we have enough information yet to stating launch titles, but yeah we can state what we would like to have.
I would love an announcement of God of War2 at ces06 or somthing lol.