(PR) COLLADAâ„¢ Approved By Khronos Group As Open Standard


Artist formely known as Vysez
Tokyo, July 29 2005 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) announced today that COLLADA™ (COLLAborative Design Activity), a common data format for content developers, had been approved by The Khronos™ Group (Khronos Group), as an open standard for the interactive entertainment industry.

COLLADA is an XML based file format for interchange of digital assets within the interactive 3D graphics industry, originally created by SCEI to address a critical need for content creators to work freely with their data across many tools and platforms. COLLADA has been supported by and elaborated through the cooperation with major Tools & Middleware Licensee partners who share a common vision.

Khronos Group is a member-funded industry consortium focused on the creation of open standard, royalty-free APIs such as OpenGL® ES to enable the authoring and playback of dynamic media on a wide variety of platforms and devices.

Approved by the Khronos Group as a complementary and necessary addition to their existing family of open standards, COLLADA will be recognized as common data format not only for games but also for wider field of cutting edge graphics creation such as movies and computer graphics.

SCE is committed to supporting and developing COLLADA within the Khronos group
and aims to further enhance the development environment and tools that the company provides to the creative community for developing new computer entertainment content.
