Power Render 3D Engine with full source code + site license for $100

Power Render 6 is a commercial quality 3D engine and normally we license the source code to companies for $5500. A lot of work has gone into this engine but at this price we feel that not many people have a chance to see it. We would like to have a LOT MORE people using and sharing content for the engine. We would like you to help participate and build this community. In this special promotion the first 500 developers can buy the engine with full source code previously used in several commercial titles for ONLY $100!

I'm selling off this code because I personally will not have a use for it, since the next version of the engine is already 10 months into development. There are lots of graphics algorithms that programmers might find interesting in here.
What commercial titles? I don't care so much about them being big names, but I am not excited by the one-room demos that every engine showcases.