pax said:
Well christ legion that what my 'idealism' was about. But you drew conclusion that I was upholding idealistic crap! mayeb if you ask next time instead of assuming what I was thinkig about.
You can't seem to drop this can you? Lol you accuse me of assuming though from the last line of your last post it was clear you were assuming i was defending the crack/cocaine travesty. Just like you thought i was defending GM.
You generalized te argument in the maichael moore debate.

No i just showed how he lied.
Ergo he has some facts wrong therefore he must be a complete liar!
Omg. Are you suggesting we guess as to what is fact? That we should play "pick and choose" with history? What an ideally leftist position? He had nothing to support his arguments. I tore them to shreads one by one. Hense the reason you had to use opinion, rather than fact, to try and validate his arguments clearly leaving you in the hole.
As for the gm debate you clearly argued in favor of gms right to sue no matter how ignoble. And you defended their win as well due to a technical loophole
Again, so much for you idea of changing the system. They have a right to sue in a free legal system. Perhaps not in your controlled legal system where there is no objectivity. Do i think what they did was right? No. Don't try and lecture me on antisemetism when you support jew killing palestinians Pax.
That legislators are too corrupt to tie up such loose ends should concern you but instead you uphold the right of corporations to undermine a country's vital war effort.
I did not such thing. Not at all did i ever condone what they did. I simply said they had legal right, which in a free system they do.
Can you imagine such a lawsuit during ww2? This isnt about undermining legal freedoms or rights its about RIGHT AND WRONG. This is the realm of evil vs good but you couldnt see past your right wing nose.
It is clear, when it suits you, you will bring up past conflicts to demonize corporate interests however right before your nose jewish people are being killed in israel by palestinians terrorist who's impact you ignore. Hypocrisy.
Of course you cant give up now... you find the slightest opening to weasel out of in this issue.
No, you just perceive my lack of defense as a weakness. You are clearly jumping on this to feel as though you have something to stand on. I never defended what they did as right. I merely said in a free system they have the right to sue. They do not have the right to win.
You have classic inability to admit error. Do I have such a problem? Read my mistake I made at AICN ni the Master and Commander thread. I can admit error and see facts for facts. But you hold onto ideology till death no matter how outrageous the fact. This is an exercise in your own ego and not intellect.
As classic as your inability i suppose pax. hense the reason why you still can't admit Moore used lies to validate his claims making them at best unproven or completely wrong.
Again you are arguing this simply to feel you have won something. You are far to emotional to be caring on a debate objectively concerning these matters. Can you not perceive the law should protect everyone? Who are you to judge pax? Are you God? You certainly are as inconsistant and hateful as he.
I admitted the gun legislation in Canada was wrong whereas I used to support it. Can you give any example of you ever realizing a stupid mistake like in the GM case and admitting being wrong?
The case was not wrong Pax. The premise of supporting the Nazis was. These people at GM have the legal right to sue. THere is nothing you or I can do, or should do to stop it.
You sickening me with your proposed support of the jews by sympathizing with them and what happened after WWII however you condone palestinians today and their hate mongering.
Ill just repeat one of my last poinst as well... thinsg are not the same everywhere...
Not unless you have made some opinion/emotion based observation correct?
this isalways the last recourse of the coaward who cat provide other beter excuse for wantings in his own country.
Much like your defense of Moore, eh?
You can generalizxe all you want but corruption is not as bad everywhere.
Oh my. Here is another example of you reading things into what i said. Please show me where i stated all corruption is equal world wide.
I didnt say DIDNT exist at all eslwhere as you tried to styupidly surmise I said its worse in some places than others.
However your assertion that i stated all corruption is equal world wide is less stupid? The workings of your mind are profoundly inconsistant Pax.
You're just being PC here legion... and its a nauseating...
as nauseating as your support of palestinians.