Joe DeFuria said:Natoma said:I read that. And the fact of the matter is, he didn't avoid the subject of drugs. He said specifically that druggies should be convicted and sent up....
Pssst....that was before he became addicted...he avoided the subject of drugs after he became addicted.
Oh come now Joe this is a stretch, even for you.
But anyways, he said that he became addicted in "1996, 1995, whenever". He can't even remember. But he certainly made those comments in 1995. So you cannot say with any certainty that he made those comments before he got addicted. As if it even matters.
Joe DeFuria said:If he weren't being hypocritical, he'd volunteer to put himself away, just as he stated druggies should be.![]()
Rush said:...well, there's a statement from my TV show they're using from 1995 which they are taking totally out of context about more white drug users need to be in jail.
Reporters taking statements out of context...nah...couldn't be.![]()
I would like to hear all those statements in context myself, of course.
Rush Limbaugh in 1995 said:There's nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country.
And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them.
And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.
How that is taken out of context I can't figure out. Rush violated the law. He should thus be sent to prison, if he's going to keep in line with his espoused statements on drug abusers.
p.s.: You just got bored and wanted to pick a "fight" didn't you Joe. That's why you resurrected this thread after all this time isn't it?