Poor old man.



"Tyson, 38"

"No longer possessing the skill, stamina or desire for boxing"

"I just don't have this in my gut anymore"

"I wasn't really interested...It's just not in my heart anymore. It's hard for me to fight."

"The round ended with Tyson on the canvas, not from a knockdown but from a push. But the former champion was out of gas and staggered back to his corner like a man on a two-day drinking binge"

"I was tired. I didn't want to get up"

"His equilibrium was shot and he was trying to get up and he couldn't"

"I could beat everyone but I just couldn't beat Father Time"

"Pre-fight pep talk from Muhammad Ali, who was among the 15,472 in the crowd at the MCI Center. But even the three-times champion could not light a spark and make up for Tyson's deteriorated skills.

"Smart too late and old too soon," Tyson said. "I feel like Rip Van Winkle right now."

The guy's a tragedy from beginning to (the by now very) sad end. Back when he was iron mike, he let himself be taken advantage of, and his money and fame ruined his skills. After he lost the edge, like with any dangerous yet delicate weapon, it's impossible to get it back again.

He shoulda just quit years ago, but he seems to be both tragic and gullible and let himself be talked into these "comebacks"... I bet he'll end up in jail again sooner or later. :?
Well, at least his ability to generate some of the funniest quotes ever still remains.

Was it last year or the year before that he said he'd beat the snot out of an elderly woman if she got in his face?

That's priceless stuff.
He knew he couldn't win. He just used his old reputation to get another fight and another payday. It's sad that like so many other champion boxers, he's been cheated out of his career money and now he's reduced to this.