Politics in programming environment

Occasionally, someone steps into the secret coder's world through a source control management system, or some annoying interruption such as a team meeting (but that's okay, because the secret coder can code in his head during the meeting)


Nice find!
they forgot the "obscurer" people who abstract the simplest of coding tasks way beyond any practical need, usually at the expense of 'readability'/maintainability.

sometimes done as an effort to display 'talent' or 'superior' intellect. sometimes as an effort to conceal malevolent code insertion. sometimes done to confound the programmer who will (invariabley) inherit the code maintenance/upgrade down the road. sometimes as an attempt to achieve job security...maybe even sometimes an attempt to mask complete understanding of the task.
The secret coder is actually another kind of control freak that codes in his own world oblivious to the life and fauna around him. As far as the secret coder is concerned, there is no team. In fact there is no office, only some conjured-up world of coding where the secret coder and computer live happily. Occasionally, someone steps into the secret coder's world through a source control management system, or some annoying interruption such as a team meeting (but that's okay, because the secret coder can code in his head during the meeting). The danger of the secret coder is that he is trapped in the cocoon of his own world, so that ultimately, his piece of the system may not coexist in the rest of the team's world.

Ooooo, that's me. :cool:
I'm the perfectionist, but with a twist. I won't start coding anything until I know how it should be optimally structured and designed. Sometimes it takes a month or two, but the actual code only takes a week. I do this because I'm really anal about re-use. I hate to see anything go to waste.
When I was workign as a techincal project manager, I always gave all the complex jobs to the secret programmer (uber geek in my terms), the GUI to the perfectionist, and the documentation to the control freak (until I got rid of him). Never really had a soldier.

I think I would fall ito a mix of the control freak and the secret coder. Once you start getting into the code, the rest of the world just dissapears.

Its quite a good article in that I think everyone working on a development team have their own pidgeon holes they put their co-workers into. Its good seeing someone elses ideas about it.
