Pokemon is unstoppable...


1,5 Million units sold in about half a week... :-O

I've never played any of the Pokemons, but perhaps someone here can explain the concept?
I guess you a couple different Pokemon that can fight against other Pokemon, but is there anything else to do?

I've never played it either. IGN has a decent write-up though. Pokemon is supposed to be a very simplified RPG where you travel the lands and fight your fights.
What makes this version so special is that it uses the Wi-Fi connection for internet-play.

1,5 Million units sold in about half a week... :-O

I've never played any of the Pokemons, but perhaps someone here can explain the concept?
I guess you a couple different Pokemon that can fight against other Pokemon, but is there anything else to do?
You fight lots of battles, but in contrast to standard RPG stuff you don't get your own hands dirty but let your pokemon do all the actual fighting. You start with one and can capture more ("wild" pokemon) in random encounters. There are usually 150 or so different pokemon in a game, and they have very different characteristics (elemental strengths/weaknesses, that kind of thing).

Fights are usually one-on-one but you can swap out pokemon mid-battle. I think Ruby/Sapphire introduced tag team battles where each side has two pokemon out at once, but these are very rare scripted encounters.

Your character doesn't level up. Your pokemon do level up, by gaining experience points in battles. They are all independent, so the ones you don't bring out in fights will stay weak/not grow stronger.

You can "own" hundreds of pokemon but you can only use a very small team (6?) for battles. You can swap those out while in a town.

The basic drive of the game is finding/building up a team of pokemon that works well against the enemy pokemon you're currently facing. That's a moving target because as you go through the game world, the prevalent enemies change and your team composition must be adapted.

The game worlds and lore are always very focused on that whole pokemon battling stuff. There are pokemon battle arenas everywhere, "pokemon trainer" is the equivalent of "rock star" somewhat, so everyone in the games wants to be one etc. There is approximately nothing else that matters, but it still works very well.

The games are actually great fun and well made. Success requires not only level grinding but also a lot of strategy. They also work very well as entertainment for grown-ups.
Pokemon also have "types" (think different elements) which have various weaknesses and strengths... oftentimes even have pairs of types to enhance or diminish the weaknesses/strengths... and all attacks are one of the 17 different types, meaning you actually have to balance out your play and level a wide variety of different pokemon if you want to succeed (unless you're a grinder who loves to spend a dozen hours moving between two squares). For example, if you have a team of "Flying" and "Water" type pokemon, an opponent that plays any "Lightning" types or pokemon with "Lightning" type attacks will have an incredibly easy time beating your beasties. 8)
Pokemon also have "types" (think different elements) which have various weaknesses and strengths... oftentimes even have pairs of types to enhance or diminish the weaknesses/strengths... and all attacks are one of the 17 different types, meaning you actually have to balance out your play and level a wide variety of different pokemon if you want to succeed (unless you're a grinder who loves to spend a dozen hours moving between two squares). For example, if you have a team of "Flying" and "Water" type pokemon, an opponent that plays any "Lightning" types or pokemon with "Lightning" type attacks will have an incredibly easy time beating your beasties. 8)

Jesus christ you're still around. Haven't seen a post from you in AAAAGEEEESSSSS.

on topic though.

It's a very expansive world, with a lot to do. I don't understand why the whole thing was just one giant MMORPG using the DS. *thinks* hang on, what if someone does make a mmorpg for the ds. I'm getting wet just thinking about it (in the figurative sense, like if I was a woman for example).
Jesus christ you're still around. Haven't seen a post from you in AAAAGEEEESSSSS.

Well, I kinda didn't visit this board for like a year, and then posted a few times, then took another year long sabbatical... not just this board, though, really... basically every other board I visited at the time too. XD Various recent junk got me back into the forum rhythm and... well, how could I not come back to the best forum on teh intarwebs?
Well, while you did disappear for a while, you HAVE been posting again since June... Maybe Jack's eyes were bleeding too much to notice. ;)
DW: Trade in that GBA-SP at GameStop. They have some deals regarding trade-ins if you intend to buy the next-gen version. (i.e. DS Lite)
Nope. I don't trade in hardware I like, I keep it forever.

Besides, my kids would throw hissy fits. Their SP's are like friends of theirs. ;)

3 million units just in Japan, and still going. Fastest selling DS game ever.
IGN said:
According to a recent update on one of our favorite retailer blogs, it took just 46 days for the highly anticipated DS (dual SKU) RPG to reach the 3,000,000 mark, beating out the previous record holder, Mario.

Now I just hope they bring it over here soonish!
Heh, the sales for all the Pokemon games are just amazing.

Just Red/Blue/Green is at N.2 between Super Mario and Tetris in the all-time software chart. And these two are absolute classics. If you add up all the others, Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire, Yellow and Fire Red/Leaf Green, and the few other titles here and there, this franchise has sold more than 100m copies all together.

Nintendo do have a way of flooding the market with as many titles of one successful franchise as possible, so that helps.
April 22nd is the slated release date for Diamond/Pearl in the US!
Found at IGN (with some more details about the game).
I'm thinking, what will nintendo do once they run out of materials to name their pokemon games after?

I guess it'll happen pretty soon after Pokemon Corrugated Cardbaord / Banana Peel... :cool:

Why does Pokemon sell so much, I am completely :oops:.....people never seem to get bored and keep buying various Pokemon games. :oops:
Why does Pokemon sell so much, I am completely :oops:.....people never seem to get bored and keep buying various Pokemon games. :oops:

Gotta hand it to them though, certainly know how to sell a product. Makes you wonder how they can Catch the attention of so many people with basically the same thing over and over again though. Maybe theres something about asians that makes Em' gullible. I doubt that after All this time its simply selling because its fun. There must be something else to it, conspiracy perhaps, psychology is a powerful tool.
Why does Pokemon sell so much, I am completely :oops:.....people never seem to get bored and keep buying various Pokemon games. :oops:
They have actually been excellent games. Mystery Dungeon and other spin-offs not so much but the core series is ... really good. Plus it has strong tie-ins with the TV series and all the merchandising, kids' toys and dolls what-have-you. It would probably sell well without that, and the ties merely turn that into unstoppable(tm). Who can blame 'em.
Maybe theres something about asians that makes Em' gullible. I doubt that after All this time its simply selling because its fun. There must be something else to it, conspiracy perhaps, psychology is a powerful tool.

You're a powerful tool :LOL:
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Gotta hand it to them though, certainly know how to sell a product. Makes you wonder how they can Catch the attention of so many people with basically the same thing over and over again though. Maybe theres something about asians that makes Em' gullible. I doubt that after All this time its simply selling because its fun. There must be something else to it, conspiracy perhaps, psychology is a powerful tool.

Sure the story is basicly the same for each and every version (To be a pokemon master (I am sorry if anyone gets the anime song stuck in your heads after reading this)).
However it is accessable to everyone that may contribute to what makes it popular.
For younger = people the story and artwork of the various pokemon.
For older people = the deep gameplay (find and catch various pokemon and types and then train and create a perfect team of pokemon to beat "trainers" and other players using a diverse team that can handle anything they put out).