Please Tell Us Your Thoughts about a Game!


Hi everyone,

A research team from UNC, West Virginia U, and Penn State are working on a research study about people’s thoughts about video games and what they like about them.

Would you be willing to take a few minutes to tell us your thoughts? Our questions are brief (about 15 minutes), and your insights would be really valuable to us.

We’ll be running the study until early July. At that time, we’ll be holding a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift certificate for people who are interested.

This study isn’t for any marketing purpose – it’s all about research on people’s liking of games.

If you’re at least 18 and are willing to help us out, please click here to participate.



Mary Oliver
Distinguished Professor, College of Communications
Penn State University
your survey says "indicate your voluntary consent to complete this survey by clicking the "Next Page" button at the bottom of this page to be taken to the first section of the survey."

There is no next page button ???
you need to tell whoever made the web page to test with opera and other browsers
I completed it but Section B: Meaningful Game Experiences kind of derailed the rest of the questionnaire.

What exactly do you mean by meaningful game experiences?

Suffice to say, that question kind of ruined the next following questions as well.
They are obviously using a questionnaire service provider, it is common practice. Why reinvent the wheel?