please help! cpu problem related


hi guys, im having this annoying poblem about system hung up. i bought my pc for about 2 years now, the problem im having is that my pc hangs when i turn it back on after played some 3d games. so i had to cut the power and turn it on again. then i got this error message says: During the last boot up your system hung for an
improper CPU Speed Setting.Your systems is working in safe mode.
To optimize the system performance and reliability, make sure the
CPU speed conforms to the specifications of your CPU.
now i've never overclocked my cpu nor any parts of the pc. heres the spec:
400watts psu
p4 2.67ghz 533fsb
ASUS P4PE mobo
2X DDR333 kingston ram PC2700
6600gt agp at stock
80G hdd
i searched some answeres from google wif poeple having similar problems, some say clear the CMOS, some say voltage flactuation etc, i just dont know do which really. the problem is happening more frequent lately and i would really appreciat any assistances please.
It usually happens when the PC crashes due to some faulty component. For some reason, BIOS settings for the CPU clk/multiplier go nirvana. I used to change the settings back to the right values and it was ok.

Check out your RAM, GFX-card and hard drives for failures if you can (in another machine?)
this is the only desktop i got, my laptop wont be any good at this point. im pretty certain my video card is fine though since a frined of mien is using the same video card fro mthe same brand winfast.
Well in my case it was the HDD, but it could be anything. You can try the gfx-card and RAM in some friend's machine I guess? It could be anything, really. Faulty HW, bad drivers,...
..sigh, so many problems wif pc. the older it gets the more problems arise. maybe it's time for me to get a console now especially when the big three are due out soon. would save me the pain of "taking care" of it on a weekly base.
*this is pure personal opinion, absolutely not waging a pc vs console war.