Playing with Shader Model 3.0

Deano Calver

I'm doing some planning for VS 3.0 and one algorithm really needed a linked list, sounds like the kind of thing a GPU has no chance of doing.

Well had a play and got this code to compile, haven't actually used it yet but it compiles o.k using effect edit. Don't think there's anything wrong with the approach (except the speed ;))

I was also optimisating a tone-mapping process and came up with a 511 instruction shader that uses loops to execute 64900 instructions per pixel :). Haven't actually tested if it actual faster yet, but theoritically it is faster than the current recursive decent process. The thing I really likem is that it involves the first optimisation I ever made way back on an Atari ST :). Loops costing more than the operation was a rule back then (as now on SM 3.0), so for something like clearing the screen you would manually unroll the loop hundreds of times. This SM 3.0 repeats a few instructions 100 times to sum 100 pixel horizontally before looping back to do the next y line.

Any way some untested code to look at...

//------- CUT HERE -------------
// VS 3.0 linked list (HLSL)

// end of list is actuall any negative number 
#define END_OF_LIST -1
float TextureWidth = 256;

struct ListNode
   // x = data index
   // y = prev
   // z = next
   // w = unused
   float4 payload;

sampler2D sampListNodes;
sampler2D sampData;

// converts an index into a 2D u,v coordinate
// Requires D3DTADDRESS_WARP in the U dimension to work
float2 GPUConvert1DAddressTo2D( float OneD )
    return( OneD, OneD  * (1.f / TextureWidth) );


void GetNode( in float nodeIndex, 
		  out float dataIndex,
		  out float prevIndex,
		  out float nextIndex )
   float2 nodeUV = GPUConvert1DAddressTo2D( nodeIndex );
   float4 listNode = tex2Dlod( sampListNodes, float4(nodeUV,0,0) );
   dataIndex = listNode.x;
   prevIndex = listNode.y;
   nextIndex = listNode.z;

// assumes startNode is a valid list node index
void WalkLinkedListForward( in float startNode )
   float curNode = startNode;
   float dataIndex, prevNode, nextNode;
       // get the list node structure at curNode
       GetNode( curNode, dataIndex, prevNode, nextNode ); 

       // get the data held in the current list node
       float2 dataUV = GPUConvert1DAddressTo2D( dataIndex );
       float4 data = tex2Dlod( sampData, float4(dataUV,0,0) );

       // do something with the data
//       Process(data);

       // next index
       curNode = nextNode;

   } while( curNode > 0 );
   // loop while we have a posive index (there floats remember)

//------- cut here ----------
// PS 3.0 1 pass screen log accumlator
mov  r0.xy, v0.xy	// set uv to start of this block			1
mov r3.r, 0		// clear accumulator				1
mov r1.a, c4.a	// set a = sqrt(delta) so r1.a * r1.a = delta		1
rep i2		// loop across y				3
    BEGIN_REPEAT_BLOCK(100) // imaginary macro to physical repeat the code 100 times
    texld r1.rgb, r0, s0	// get the pixel from the framebuffer			
    dp4 r2.r, r1.rgba, c3.rgba // delta + Lw(x,y)				
     log r2.r, r2.r	// log(x)					
    add r3.r, r3.r, r2.r	// Sum of log-luminance				
    add r0.x, c1.x	// increment u				
    END_REPEAT_BLOCK			// total cost of block 	500
    add r0.y, c1.y	// increment v				1
    mov r0.x, c0.x	// reset u to 0				1
endrep		// end y loop				2
mov 0C0.rgba, r3.xxxx	// output accumulator