Perception Test

Too bad that there was a few persons in the audience destroying the effect.

I've seen it before and wasn't fooled that time either. But on the other hand, I had heard about the movie half a year before, and that was enough to destroy it.

Agreed, the song was cool. (And the original version is really good too, even with the factual errors.:LOL:)
You know, I am kinda used to watch weird stuff so I didn't really think any of the "weird" thing that happened. It would have been weirder if the ball they threw around was a human head or if a guy came flying through the room. This was too subtle and not weird enough.
Ok I am trying to find that perception test again but I fail to find it. It seems that part is even deleted in the video

I need for a presentation to test it in my class.

Can someone help me??