Pentagon report on global warming

nutball said:
Funny how taking preventative measures to prevent some nebulous "threat" which (at some ill-defined point in the future) will do... something... horrible-but-which-we-aren't-sure-what-it-is-but-it-will-be-really-nasty-and-it's-going-to-wipe-us-out-HONEST is imperative when it involves the use of military force in other peoples countries, but less acceptable when it has an impact on the way-of-life at home.

See 9-11.
Careful Joe, you sound exactly like those guys who told us for 50 years that there was no provable link between smoking and lung cancer.

Sure, you can lie about the research and talk about spurious correlations to belittle any results, but as more and more work is being done in these fields. our understanding grows more quickly. What were just theories are becoming proven. Seas are getting warmer, weather patterns are changing, ice sheets are getting thinner, plant and animal cycles are changing. These are documented changes, along with the increase of greenhouse gases we know we have put into the atmosphere.

We're not living a few hundred years ago where we could claim ignorance of how these things link together and simply hope to god we're not wrecking our world before our grandchildren have to live with it. These statements about the changes that are happening are not coming from hippy greens who think we should all use bicycles, live on farms and eat lentils - these are from respected scientists who have real concerns.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Careful Joe, you sound exactly like those guys who told us for 50 years that there was no provable link between smoking and lung cancer.

Or do I sound like the guys who've been telling us for so long that silicone breast implants are hugely unsafe...when they aren't. (Not that I have any breast implants, mind you.. ;) )

Or that Oat Bran is good for wait it's bad for you...

Or that "substance of the week" X causes cancer*

* as proven when injected into Rats in a 1:1 substance to Rat weight ratio

but as more and more work is being done in these fields. our understanding grows more quickly.

I am not against research. I am against knee jerk reactions based on junk science...the reactions of which as far as we know, will do more harm than good, if there is any impact at all.

What were just theories are becoming proven. Seas are getting warmer, weather patterns are changing, ice sheets are getting thinner, plant and animal cycles are changing. These are documented changes, along with the increase of greenhouse gases we know we have put into the atmosphere.

It's been proven that there are climate and evironmental changes on this planet?! Say it ain't so! ;)

These statements about the changes that are happening are not coming from hippy greens who think we should all use bicycles, live on farms and eat lentils - these are from respected scientists who have real concerns.

...respected scientists who live off of grant money, and are more likely to get more if it if they can show that "hey...we better research this more....OR ELSE." These scientist scare me more than the "hippy greena", btw. For every "respected scitentist" with one opinion, there is typically another one with the opposite.
Joe DeFuria said:
nutball said:
Funny how taking preventative measures to prevent some nebulous "threat" which (at some ill-defined point in the future) will do... something... horrible-but-which-we-aren't-sure-what-it-is-but-it-will-be-really-nasty-and-it's-going-to-wipe-us-out-HONEST is imperative when it involves the use of military force in other peoples countries, but less acceptable when it has an impact on the way-of-life at home.

See 9-11.

So it's going to take an environmental 9-11 to make people pay attention?

p.s.: Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11, if you weren't aware. :oops: ;)
pax said:
Read that that because the 20th cent had very low occurrence of volcanic eruptions that at least part of the warming was due to lower high altitude dust concentrations. At this point my only worry is the gulf stream. We really cant afford that one to stop circulating...

How much heat we'll gain from methane from melting permafrost I dont know but it probably wont cover the loss of the gulf stream.

The gulf stream will never stop circulating pax. It's where the differential between a warm air mass and cold air mass generates a rapidly moving stream of air. That's all. It'll just change location.

That's what happened to us here in the northeast a few weeks ago when we were dealing with that terrible arctic weather. The jet stream collapsed at its normal latitude and we got hit by the arctic blasts coming directly off canada. Normally the jet stream buffers us from the full effects, but this time it ended up somewhere down around West Virginia and Tennessee instead of Ohio/Michigan which is where it normally dips.
Natoma said:
The gulf stream will never stop circulating pax. It's where the differential between a warm air mass and cold air mass generates a rapidly moving stream of air. That's all. It'll just change location.

IIRC that's the northern hemisphere jetstream. The Gulf stream is greatly influence by the Atlantic conveyer. Stop that and you mostly kill off the Gulfstream, which in turn will affect the jetstream.
Natoma said:
The gulf stream will never stop circulating pax. It's where the differential between a warm air mass and cold air mass generates a rapidly moving stream of air. That's all. It'll just change location.

IIRC that's the northern hemisphere jetstream. The Gulf stream is greatly influence by the Atlantic conveyer. Stop that and you mostly kill off the Gulfstream, which in turn will affect the jetstream.
Natoma said:
The gulf stream will never stop circulating pax. It's where the differential between a warm air mass and cold air mass generates a rapidly moving stream of air. That's all. It'll just change location.

IIRC that's the northern hemisphere jetstream. The Gulf stream is greatly influence by the Atlantic conveyer. Stop that and you mostly kill off the Gulfstream, which in turn will affect the jetstream.
Oh I know it wont actually stop I meant itll stop circulating as far north as it is now... The latest studies seem to indicate its slowing and northern waters getting colder...
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Careful Joe, you sound exactly like those guys who told us for 50 years that there was no provable link between smoking and lung cancer.

And you sound like one of those Population Bomb/Club of Rome/Global 2000 guys whose dire predictions were wrong over and over.
Damn duplicates... environmental 9/11? So we'll wake up tommorow and the gulf stream will be gone, poof, right? Trillions of megajoules of energy, just gone, overnight.

Meanwhile, none of the proposed "solutions" will have any impact on our supposed fate, we all know it will take uber draconian measures to have any effect in SIXTEEN YEARS if it is even possible to effect change in such a short period of time.

But it all starts with one person providing an example, so I ask Bouncing Bros to sell off his car, stop using energy for his computer, stop playing games, and to buy no more goods this year, except for food.

If he can hack the kind of life he would wish imposed on the rest of us, perhaps I'll start listening.