Paper Starships for free!!!

Cruising that place I ain't very welcome at right now I came across this post by DaveW that links to this cool free paper starship site!

Download 'em, print 'em out, cut 'em out, glue 'em together and voila! :D

Star Trek, Star Wars, Bablyon5, Homeworld, and a few assorted others. I highly recomend checking it out, I can't wait to show it to me son! 8)

BTW-I double-posted this from EB, but I really thought some of me friends here would like it too so please forgive me.
Sorry for what appeared to be a flippant question.

I had just been reading this thread at another site and noticed that a lot of folks were talking about you and quoting your posts, but I couldn't find any posts from you in the thread. It just seemed that an overzealous house cleaning may have taken place.

Then I read your post here, put 2 and 2 together, and apparently got 22! :D
Ah yes, the fun one from yesterday! :LOL:

I shouldn't really have posted in it after the reception me friendly info post got, but nVnew's owner miffed me a bit when he called me "a pathetic asshole" so I decided to laugh at 'em a bit and skirt the old banning-borderline again to annoy him. ;)

I'm actually NOT banned at nVnews; but I am at (in order of bannings) RageUnderground, HardOCP, Driver Heaven, Guru3D, Ananananandatech, and now Rage3D. I actually probably deserved it in retrospect at Rage3D, but I still would have done what I did knowing the inevitable consequences of it because I felt it was right and absolutely needed to be done if R3D wasn't going to spiral downhill....they don't appear to agree with me logic and it's caused us a parting-o-the-ways that's left me pretty bitter at a bunch of peeps over there, but I'm trying not to cause 'em any grief over it.

As for me posts being deleted over at nVnews, I know that the mods/admins have deleted some but I'm just as guilty. Everytime I post over there now I delete an old one, just to keep me postcount at 6, annoys a few peeps over there. ;)

Come to think of it, that's why I posted in that thread in the first place. I went over there to see how they were reacting to the slides leak and noticed my postcount was at 6,654 or something so I went on a quick posting streak there to get it back up to it's happy place. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
Cruising that place I ain't very welcome at right now I came across this post by DaveW that links to this cool free paper starship site!
Hmmm.... I didn't see a "Borg" Cube... thought that would be one for the beginners :)
Download 'em, print 'em out, cut 'em out, glue 'em together and voila!
If someone did paper musical instruments it could be "... glue 'em together and viola!" :p