P2P Use Increases as Students Return to Campus

Druga Runda

Sleepy Substitute

According to Los Angeles-based P2P market research firm BigChampagne, the back-to-school months coincided with the typical spike of usage on file-swapping networks, with average simultaneous peak users totaling 5.7 million in the United States in October, edging up from 5.4 million in October 2003.

A recent study by the University of California at Riverside and the Cooperative Assn. for Internet Data Analysis also revealed that P2P traffic has not declined.

The Recording Industry Assn. of America, however, has been steadfast in its approach, recently issuing 750 lawsuits against music file sharers, bringing the total to 6,191 since September 2003.


As the landscape of illegal file sharing changes, the RIAA has been able to adapt its strategy.

"We routinely base lawsuits on multiple platforms and will evolve our strategies as circumstances change," RIAA president Cary Sherman says.

File-trading service eDonkey has surpassed Kazaa as the P2P leader, according to BigChampagne and Los Gatos, Calif.-based BayTSP, which monitors P2P use on behalf of entertainment companies. This change is partially attributable to the effectiveness of interdiction companies flooding Kazaa with spoofed, or fake, files.

"We have directed more of the lawsuits to eDonkey users recently, and we'll continue to go where the problem is worst," says Sherman, who also is mindful of file sharing at smaller, under-the-radar networks that are harder to detect.

pffft here we go again...

RIAA has a lot of money until they spend it all on lawyers...
I hope they catch and punish these people who share their files. p2p is not the solution, boycotting the movie/music industy is.

epicstruggle said:
I hope they catch and punish these people who share their files. p2p is not the solution, boycotting the movie/music industy is.


If everyone stopped buying music, DVDs, and cinema tickets tomorrow, the MPAA and RIAA would simply say that it proved what they'd been saying all along, and that it simply meant the whole population was pirating everthing.

I used to listen to a lot of radio and buy a lot of CDs, but now very little of the music industry's current output interests me, and yet they raise prices ever higher. The purchases I no longer make are no doubt counted as gone to piracy, instead of a complete drop in interest in their products.

The music industry has changed dramatically since the 80s/early 90's when the industry was much more diverse and publishers made money hand over fist as people replaced their collections with the new CD format. They will not admit that the problem is the outdated business model and poor quality product they now put out.
THe music industry is screwed .

The release a cd for 10-20$

On that cd on average is 4 good songs

Which on the high end is 5$ per song you want to listen to .

Now that may not seem like a lot until you figure that you can now get mp3s for 1$ off itunes.

But thats if your not sick of the song after hearing it 80 times a day on the radio .

I was going to buy the new green day album as i'm a big fan. But i would put krock on and be able to hear the new songs at least 2 times an hour .

So whats the point ?

Movies have a diffrent problem. There are still tons of people going to see the quality movies and tons going to see the crappy movies .

They are saying the incredibles is set to make 70 million in 3 days .

The problem is they make crappy movies that no one wnats to see too. Then they release a bunch of crappy movies all at once.

Add to the fact that people wnat to see a movie a few times but don't want to pay 9$ each time . Or the movie has left thearters and they now have a 6-9 month wait for it on dvd.

So whats the alternative ? Thats to download movies .
RussSchultz said:
So whats the alternative ? Thats to download movies .
Don't you mean steal? ;)


I'm not stealing anything .

Spiderman 2 is no longer in thearters .

It is not on dvd.

THat means therei s nothing to steal as there is no product. ;)